C H A P T E R 6

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C H A P T E R  6

SO I started highschool about a week ago and I realized how unrealistic this story is because I never even see guys hit on the hijabis at school LET ALONE the most popular guy


"News on the school is you kicked Sean in his ding dong!" Mary said with a bright smile on her face the next day.

"Well, doesn't news travel fast?" I reply nonchalantly walking across campus to my class.

We mindlessly talk until we have to go our separate ways, me constantly dodging a bunch of people.

I roll my eyes at the annoying girls who do ANYTHING for a guys attention, seeing them in the halls following them and laughing obnoxiously to every word they say while their thighs jiggle in their way too tight against dress code short shorts was something I had to deal with constantly.

I got to my class and took my usual seat, pulling out the essay I typed yesterday.

"Hey," Chase says walking up to me.

"Hello" I reply with a smile.

"Got plans after school?" He asks, I take the time to look up and my breath hitches when I see his dark brown hair tussled and his eyes shine, he has a beautiful smile on his face. He's wearing Kakis and a shirt with vans. White boy status, much?

"Depends." I slowly reply, the late bell rings and the teacher tells us to take our seats.

After three agonizingly boring periods of useless studies lunch finally arrives.

I search through the crowded hallways for signs of Mary or Chase, I spot Chase first talking to some guys.

I stand to the side awkwardly waiting while people continued to pass, when he finally saw me he smiled a little and walked over, saying something to the group of guys.

"Hey" He greets.

"Hi. Want to get Dominos for lunch?" I ask. Dominos had a five dollars deal where you get a small pizza and a drink for five dollars, luckily today I remembered to bring money.

"Yea, sure." He responds, we walks side by side until Mary runs up to us.

"Sorry, It took me forever to change." Mary excuses herself.

"Its alright. Were heading to Dominos,"

"Ooo! Pizza Pizza yum!" She said clapping her hands. We both gave her a look before bursting out laughing.

After an agonizing seven minute walk in my flats we arrived and paid,after a long line of other highschool students

Once we finally got our small pizzas we walk back with now only twenty minutes.

We walk quietly around the school until we finally find an empty table, I can feel my stomach about to growl so I quickly take a bite of pizza.

We begin to talk about random things like school and classes and food.

Food forever.

After the bell rings we all head separate ways, I walk quielty threw the halls trying hard to ignore the annoying cackles I hear as well as the pain from walking so much, and now I have P.E. Fantastic.

My school doesn't require four years of P.E, only two. But my very caring and loving parents made me take four years because APPARENTLY I never work out and keep in shape myself. Unfair.

I quickly head to the locker room, grab my P.E cloths and find an empty stall to change in. I put on the sweats, which make me want to die in this weather, an undershirt and my P.E shirt I slip on my Nike's and finally head out, probably late.

Well, here goes torture.

thought the story was going too quickly so I needed a few fillers

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