Chapter Six

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Alyssa's POV

I have been getting these cramps all day! They aren't like the rest of them, but like the ones I started having the week I had Quincy. I am only six and a half months pregnant. I shouldn't have a pre-mature baby. I don't want that for my baby girl, because she could die while I am giving birth or possibly before that. I don't want my baby to die.

I shouldn't be thinking about this kind of thing. I'll tell ya about something else instead.

Jack J has been distant lately and it is worrying Tori. It has been worrying everyone else, but not as much as it is for Tori.

He's been making up excuses to not join us when we go out somewhere. He is practically never at the house, and when we ask him why that is, he snaps at us. I don't get what his deal is.

Jack also randomly smiles down at his phone when he is texting, and then when we ask him about that, he also snaps at us. He's been ignoring all of us, mostly Tori. How dare he ignore his bet friends and girlfriend?! Girlfriend!

Maybe we should focus on the present now.

"I love you," I hear Jack J as I pass by his and Tori's room. Is he talking to Tori?

"Yeah, I miss you too." He's talking to somebody on the phone.

"I got to go, Beth." Pause. "Yeah, talk to you soon. Bye."

I hear a phone shut and footsteps leading to the door. I quickly move my feet down the hall, heading to the home studio, where I was before I needed to get my phone from my bedroom, acting as if I didn't hear jacks conversation with that Beth girl on the phone. Could he be cheating on Tori? I mean, who else could Beth be? Because Jack J said that he doesn't like his family and he doesn't want to stay in contact with any of his family members.

I get to the door of the studio and wall in, I left the door open. I plop myself down on the leather couch and unlock my phone, typing in m pass code. Just then, I get a phone call. From a number in Sydney, Australia. That I do not know. Oh, why the heck. I'll answer it anyways.


"Is this Alyssa Davison?" A thick Australian accent comes from the other end of the line.

"Yes, but it is Espinosa now," I reply. "Who is this I am speaking with?"

"This is Ashton Irwin from Five Seconds Of Summer." Their song She's Kinda Hot is my ring tone. I love them. But why would he be calling me? I should be freaking out right now! "My manager got your number from your manager, Denny. I hope you don't mind me calling you, love."

"Course not," was my response. "What can I do for you?"

"Well something.. Bad happened to our song writer, and we are big fans of yours. We were wondering if you would want to be our new songwriter?"

"I'd love to," I answer him, cheerfully. "When would I get started?"

"Five months," says Ashton. I love his accent! "We are currently in break."

"Okay. Well can you call or text me when it is time?"

"Sure thing, love," he answers.


"Imma get going. Nice talking to ya," he says.

"You too," I say. "Bye."


I end the phone

I can't believe I am going to be the new song writer for Five Seconds Of Summer!


Sorry for the wait!

School starts in two days so we have been doing a lot of shopping.

Have a good day!

Please be sure to check out my other stories.

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