Chapter Thirteen

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Ashton's POV

Alyssa is a really good songwriter. Good Girls is a great song. The mates and I love it and her. She is so fun to be around but she can be serious also.

She is also quite more attractive in person. Us four talked and we all have an interest in her. May the best man win in getting her heart.

Alyssa's POV


"Yes sweetie?" I ask Quincy.

He is standing in front of me while I am sitting on the couch, rocking Taylor to sleep.

"I want Daddy," he tells me and I feel bad for not letting him see his dad in a week.

"Do you want to see him?" He nods his little head.

I grab my phone from beside me and click the contact name "Cheater".

On the second ring he answers.

"Can you get the kids.. 10 minutes.. Okay." I hang up.

"He's coming," I tell Quincy and he smiles a bright smile.

Matt picked up the kids and I am happy that I can finally relax. I know what I am going to do. Work out in the gym.

I get dressed into clothes that will be comfortable and go to the gym. I grab a bottle of water from the mini fridge and set it down in front of me. I stretch first then get on the machines.

After an intense workout, I take a shower and get dressed in pajamas.

Oh, and the kids are staying the night with Matt, wherever it is he is staying.

I turn on the tv as I place myself on the couch for like the hundredth time today alone.

"Alyssa?" I turn around to see Ashton.

"Yeah?" I ask him.

"Hi!" He says and runs upstairs like a little kid.

Strange man. So strange.

-So know I have a schedule for when I will be updating.

Certain stories on certain days.

Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays I will be updating this book. So just not Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

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