Chapter 31

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A/N: One month has passed (I guess) and so, here's another chapter for you, lovelies. Like I said from the previous chapter, this one will have Mike's P.O.V for the most part. I wanna try something so I did this :) I hope it's okay. But the next chapters would definitely have more Alisson and Tony in it. Thank you for being so patient, guys! I try to write as much chapters in the drafts but I end up not writing anything sometimes because writer's block happens to me :| But I try to think of more things that's going to happen in this fanfic because there's still room for more happenings. I love each and everyone of you. Enjoy! x

PS: Sorry for the errors/unrealistic things from the previous chapters. *cough* the Gibson guitar's price *cough* xD I plan on editing this whole thing once it's done. For now, please excuse all the errors. :D


*Mike's P.O.V*

For three hours, I have been looking for someone whom I just recently met and concurrently, I had some sort of crush with. But that doesn't make sense, right? I mean, if I did like her, why would I actually make her want to leave the club in the first place? Right, of course, I was being a gentleman. Now I'm wondering if being one was a bad thing seeing as it was resulted to Madison, went suddenly missing.

I knew I drank quite a lot of hard liquor the other night --- or few hours ago, to be literal --- but right now, I feel nothing but remorse for letting being an idiot. I mean, for not immediately following her right when she left me in the booth. If I did, we would've found her still and I wouldn't be walking around the streets of Utah which I barely even know. I feel like I've been wandering around a state like a lost puppy or something....a half-drunk puppy, at that...if that even makes sense. I wasn't even drunk anymore...what, with the walking and the sweating and shit, the car honks that makes me piss in my pants especially when I'm in the process of nearly drifting off while walking. This is a weird day...and I'm being a useless half-awake weirdo.

The sun was now up in the horizon and I've walked three blocks from the club because I know, she wouldn't get away that least, that's what I hoped. But after three hours, I lost hope. Maybe she did this on purpose....or not. The idea of her, being abducted by some pervert men was pushing me to look for her further. I really hope nothing bad was happening to her.

I checked my phone. It was already 8 in the morning and Goddamn, was it hot. It's summer anyway so what should I expect? But with the loose top I'm wearing, I knew I was fucked. I wasn't even wearing sunglasses. I had to retreat...somewhere...immediately. So where should I retreat? A fucking bus stop shelter.

Thankfully, this one had a steel bench in it and for the first time, I could finally feel my legs...which was hurting like fuck.

I felt my phone vibrate just as I was leaning back against the bench. Vic's name was flashing on the screen and I immediately slid my thumb on the screen to unlock it.

"Hey. Any news?" I inquired, not even letting Vic to speak first.

"No and Alisson tried calling Madi's phone but her phone is dead." Well, that's not a good thing, is it? I thought...and recalled what Vic just said.

"Fuck, Alisson knows? Is she gonna kill me?" I was scared for some reason because I'm sure Vic already told her what happened...and if Alisson is like the usual girls I know, I might as well not return my ass in the bus because she will murder me. Thank Zeus though, I heard her soft chuckle on the line.

"She's not mad?" I asked Vic, surprised a bit to what I was hearing.

"Nope. She's not even blaming you. But really haven't seen her still?" Vic followed up and really, I only hope I had a good answer to that.

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