Chapter 7

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Fuck this shit. Tony Perry? Of all the people in the world, why him? Why this mother fucker?

I was stuck there, shocked by the scene. Shocked by the person in front of me. I can tell he was too. His eyes were wide when he saw me but I’m not sure if he could actually remember me or not. But that’s not important for now. I need to get out of here. Immediately.

“Shit.” I said and I didn’t realize I said it aloud. I looked at them; their eyes were all on me. Full with confusion. Even my Uncle, he didn’t know what was happening. I realized that he’s not aware of the bullying thing that happened to me before. It was only Madi and Aunt Margaret who are fully aware of it and now, shit, I’m stuck here with the guy who made my past life miserable.

“Uh…hi.” He muttered, scratching the back of his neck.

God. I hate this. This is a bad idea. I should’ve known that I’ll be working with him. With this asshole. I should have not come here in the first place.

“Sorry. I just have to…go.” I blurted, standing up and hurriedly went out of the bus. My shoulder brushed Tony’s but I ignored it. Even though there was a chill when his skin touched mine.

The air outside saved my lungs from the suffocating and deadly air inside the tour bus. Fucker. If only I knew that he’ll be the guitar player of this band, I should not have agreed with this whole thing. It wasn’t me who started this anyway. Now I’m doomed. Simply seeing his face nearly killed me…in a negative way. In a literal way. It’s like the face of doom because seeing his face reminds me of how terrible my high school life was. How he bullied me. How I nearly killed myself because of so much hate and pain that he gives me. And now seeing him…I just wished I never came here. It was a bad idea. Very fucking bad.

“Ali.” My uncle’s voice snapped, pushing away my thoughts.

“Why did you---“ I cut him off before he could actually finish his sentence.

“He bullied me when we were in highschool.” I blurted out, looking past him to make sure that there’s no one in the bus who can hear our conversation.

My uncle’s face was hit by curiosity. Poor him, he doesn’t have any clue about the things that Tony had done to me when I was younger. He’s a fucking asshole and that will remain the same.

“He…bullied you? How’s that even possible?” He asked, obviously wanting to know the whole story.

“That’s a very long story uncle. We should just get back home and then I’ll tell you.” I said, sighing at the end of my sentence.


*Tony’s P.O.V*

I decided to take some tour around the amphitheatre alone for a few minutes. Tomorrow is the day where we’ll kick on the stage and start doing our thing in there. This will be the first time that we got included in Warped Tour and all of us were thrilled to get this thing started.

Around the amphitheatre, I could see some fans walking around. Some were building their tents for camping overnight to get the best spot tomorrow. I couldn’t contain my happiness and to imagine that this will probably be the best tour ever makes me want to speed up the time so we can perform now or watch other great bands perform. We were told that we’re taking the main stage on this tour and that adds up the thrill of excitement around me. It couldn’t get any better.

From where I was standing, I saw a girl with light blue hair entering the premises and I swear, she’s one the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen although I don’t have the best sight to see her closely, I think she looked stunning. She was accompanied by, if I’m not mistaken, Kevin Lyman. Of course, we all know Kevin. He’s the founder of Warped Tour Music Festival and if it wasn’t because of him, the best music fest won’t be existing by now.

I watched them as they walked and went towards the backstage. Band assignment, I may say. I strolled around the amphitheatre before bumping into some fans. Thank Goodness, they aren’t fangirls but they asked me if they could take a picture with me. Of course, I said it’s fine and one of the girls took her iPhone out and took a snapshot. They thanked me afterwards and I did the same to them before they ran back to their tents. Gah, I can imagine this place being filled by lots of fans tomorrow. It’s going to be epic!

Suddenly, I remembered Mark mentioning the new guitar tech and that he or she’ll be introduce today so I decided to go back to the bus. I looked up to see the guys sat on the seats with Kevin and the girl I’ve seen earlier.

He was a Bad Boy then (Tony Perry Love story Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now