Chapter 12

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A/N: After 1823089310 decades! Here’s a new chapter! xD I really appreciate all of you guys and I wanted to thank you all for supporting this :3 I promise not to leave this fanfic without a proper ending so just stay with me for as long as you wanted. Sorry if this was kinda short but I’m still trying to find some time to update this and write and all that. I love you all guys!
*Alisson's P.O.V*

“So tomorrow, we’re heading to Nevada and visit the second location for the tour. We want you all to take some rest as we travel so that everyone will have a good energy when show starts.” I listened as Mark gave us some notes before we actually head back to our bunks and to get some sleep. This will be the first time that I won’t be sleeping in the soft covers of my bed and in my cushy pillows. But instead, for tonight…or should I say, for many nights, I’ll be sleeping in the additional bunk inside the tour bus of Pierce the Veil.

If I could, I won’t choose to sleep in the same bus where Tony sleeps. Well, explanation is not needed to that, I guess. Because I hate him and that’s it. But still, I had to be thankful that I still have a choice not to sleep next to him or that’ll be the death of me.

My uncle won’t be around the whole tour so that means, I’ll be all alone. Not literally though because I have the guys for the next coming months. He can’t join us as we visit all the tour locations because he has other business to handle and aside from being the founder, he doesn’t have any other task in the tour unless he wants to hop in to someone’s work, which, he won’t do. I felt really isolated when he left and all the problems that I wasn’t thinking about earlier, or maybe, trying not to, came in my mind all of a sudden. Now I’m going to face this alone. It won’t be easy.

I lay down on my bunk for hours. My mind doesn’t seem to have the will to let me sleep because it wasn’t resting but I tried…tried so hard to sleep. Eventually and fortunately, it worked after long hours of waiting.


Ring! Ring! Ring!

Damn. That ringtone is so annoying.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

“Just pick it up already!” I heard Jaime’s sleepy yet annoyed voice shouted that made me forcefully open up my eyes. I realized that I wasn’t dreaming. It was my cellphone’s ringtone. Who the hell calls at this time in the morning?

“What?” I said, rudely. I didn’t even bother looking who the caller was but I knew one thing about this person. He or she is so fucking annoying.
It took sometime before I realize that I was talking to, in fact, an annoying person. Madison.

“Cousin! Goodmooorning!” she squealed at the other line with that high pitched voice of hers which made me move my cellphone away from my ears for a moment until she’s done with that annoying greet.

“It’s no good if you’re disturbing me in the middle of my sleep…” I trailed off, annoyed, as I rubbed my eyes to clear up my vision.
“Oh wait. It wasn’t just me. You woke up Jaime too. How amazing!” I said, rolling my eyes as I noticed Jaime, giving me hand signals that it was all good.

“Oh really? That’s cool! I didn’t know it’s amazing to wake up people in the middle of their sleep!” she said enthusiastically. Wow. She’s not just annoying. She’s stupid.

“Madison…that was sarcasm.” I uttered, really getting annoyed.

“Yeah. I know. Just kidding.” She responded with a slight chuckle.

“Why did you call anyway?” I asked, my eyes half-closed as I was speaking.

“How is the Tony Perry thing going on now that you’re touring with them without any relative to lean on to?” says Madison and it made me realize how alone I was…really. But still, I don’t want her to think that I’m too weak to be unable to handle this situation. Though half of me says that I really can’t do this on my own.

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