Chapter 4

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The sun was up to its highest and the sky was pure blue when Madison and I decided to hit the nearest music instrument store in town. Wind was striking quite hard though it wasn’t actually cold. In fact, the air was hot because of this sunny weather. One thing I missed about San Diego.

We decided to walk instead of taking the car since Madi wanted me to enjoy the scene. The sun, the wind, the palm trees and the ocean. I gladly agreed to her idea because it’s been a long time since I last step foot on this place.  I’m not going to waste my time here. I’ll appreciate the nature and everything that builds SD.

“There it is!” Madison exclaimed as I look up to see a shop with guitars and other musical instruments displayed on the window. I was quite amused because the guitars looked really pretty and, obviously, expensive.

“Come on.” She smiled and gestured for me to enter the shop first.

The slight smell of the wood and strings greeted me the moment I get inside the shop. I kinda missed visiting these kind of places since, as far as I can remember, I visited a music instrument store back when I was 13 years old. That was the time when my dad first bought me a guitar. He used to be in a band when he was younger that’s why he wanted to share me what he knows about being a musician. But I didn’t really paid much attention to that path because, well, I was too busy to deal with the bullying and stuff that I couldn’t think of the things I can actually do.

“Hannah!” Madison’s high pitched voice exclaimed as she went over the girl with long black hair and tattoos behind the counter.

“Hey Madz. How’re you?” the young woman said and her eyes went to my direction.

“Fine, fine. Still the usual. You?” Madison asked back. I was staring at them both, letting them catch up with each other.

“I’m good. Who’s this person with you?” she said with that sweet, feminine voice. She shoot a friendly smile on me so I automatically smiled back like an idiot.

“That’s Alisson. My cousin whom I haven’t seen for a long time…” Madison introduced as she pulled me towards the counter.

“Hi.” I said sheepishly, not really sure what to say. The young woman smiled and extended her hand.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Hannah.” She greeted.

I shook her hand to be nice. “Nice to meet you too.” I said and smiled.

“So…how may I help you?” Hannah asked, looking back to Madison who was now holding a black electric guitar that costs, if I’m not mistaken, thousands of dollars. I knew some bits about guitars and I know its prices pretty well.

“I’ll take this.” Madi confirmed and my eyes widened a bit. God, she can’t be serious.

“That? I didn’t know you play guitar.” Hannah uttered, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

“Not me. Ali. She’s a good guitar player.” She smiled and winked at me. I rolled my eyes.

“I’m not.” I shot back, chuckling slightly.

“Ugh. Liar. You play guitar so well.” Madi insisted and I just shut my mouth because I know she’s not the kind of person who accepts defeat in arguments like this.

“Oh, that’s interesting. That costs $10,000. That’s Gibson made so yeah.” She  explained, walking towards us.

“Wow. That’s expensive as hell.” I muttered and I felt a nudge on my arm. It was Madi.

“I’ll take it. And yeah, that acoustic guitar over there.” She pointed on one of the guitars on hanging on the left side of the store.

“Okay. That one costs $100.” She said and went back behind the cashier.

I stared at Madi in disbelief. She can’t be serious in buying such an expensive electric guitar for an expired guitar player like me. Well, if we put it that way. I haven’t played guitar for ages. I barely even know what strings feels like when it’s placed against my fingertips so I really don’t know if I can do that job. But there’s no turning back. I should just do it.

Madison walked over to the cashier, her heels clicking against the hard floor. I continued to examine some of the guitars displayed there and also the drum sets. It’s magnificent but the prices are deadly. It’s expensive as hell. I think I can feed a whole country in buying some other instruments there that’s why I really don’t get the logic of rich people. That includes Madison and her whole family.

“Thank you!” I heard Madison said and it snapped me out of my thoughts. She was carrying two guitar cases. I went over to her and took one of the guitars and slid my arm through its strap. I waved goodbye at Hannah and we headed out to the sunny San Diego again and went back to our home.

--- x --- x --- x ---

We were taking the guitar out of its cases when I heard the door creaked. I was surprised when I saw the person standing in front of door. It was Uncle Kevin.

“Dad!” Madi exclaimed with that high pitched voice again. This is the only time that I realize how annoying her voice was. It’s too high pitched and it hurts my ears whenever she exclaims. What more if she yells. I think that’d be the end of my hearing senses.

“Hey sweetie.” He said, hugging his grown up daughter.

I smiled at the scene. Remembering when we were kids, Madison used to cry on his father’s arms when her mother didn’t agree to buy her a new pair of shoes and Uncle Kevin will have a small argument with Aunt Margaret until she lets Madi buy whatever she wants. In other terms, she’s a daddy’s girl. I didn’t know she is still until now.

They had that sweet father and daughter moment until I realized that Uncle Kevin’s eye was focused on me. His eyes widened a little at the sight. I know what his dialogue will be.

“Wow. You’ve grown up over the past years, Ali.” There he said it. I’ve grown up.

I went over to him and hugged him just like I used to when I was younger. Only now, he’s just a few inches taller than me. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

“It’s good to see you, Uncle.” I greeted and he smiled. He stared at me, scanning my features and the new version of me.

“Yes. And goodness, you’re different. Look at those tats and piercings.” He said slowly, I chuckled.

“And the hair…wow.” His eyes widened and he gave me a smile.

“I know uncle. People change.” I uttered and laughed a little.

“Dad!” Madison interrupted, our attentions were now focused on her. Goodness, she’s really good in this.

“Yeah?” Uncle Kevin asked.

“I think I found a guitar tech for the band in the lineup who needs one.”

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