*Author's Note*

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Hey everyone. I'm sorry for not updating again. There are some things that are going on lately (both good and bad) that's why I can't really find time to sit down and write some more chapters for the fanfic. Right now, I can say that I'm low on muse and I'm just patiently  waiting for the inspiration to kick in so I can give you guys more chapters. I'm so sorry...I just feel bad for keeping you hanging because I think I've mentioned somewhere that I will update once a month...and that obviously didn't happen (not this month, at least.) So yeah, I just hope you guys have more patience. I really plan on finishing this --- I have plans --- but I just don't know how to execute the chapters properly. I really hate it when writer's block happens to me (probably the worst thing that a writer can experience). :(

Anyway, I hope you guys understand where I'm coming from. I love and appreciate all of your support. Thank you so much. I will try to update as soon as I can. 

- Jenna <3

PS: If you've been reading this fanfic for quite awhile (and a follower of mine), you might notice (aside from my username) that my name has been changed. I've legally changed it recently so...yes. Just to avoid confusions, I'm clearing this up for you guys. :)

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