When the Italy brothers take off their dresses!

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Me: Hey guys! So guess what gets to happen in this chapter.

Italy: Do we get pasta? Ow! Fratello! Why did you hit me?

Romano: Because you are an idiot! We get to take off these accursed dresses now!

Italy: Oh yeah.




But can we have pasta after?

Me: Maybe. Anyways! I'd like the countries to go around and say something to the Italy Bros before they take off the dresses. Let's start with the Brotatoes and then we shall end on the Swiblings!

Germany: I guess... Italy looks a bit adorable in that dress. But it is still very unmanly and something a country should never wear!

Prussia: At least Italy's was green! Look at Romano! KESESESESE

Romano: *annoyed twitch*

America: Dudes. Don't worry. Britian got drunk once and wore a mini skirt and a halter top so-

France: Oui! I remember that! It was so funny when he started dancing on the table and singing to the Beetles.


Canada: *stands quietly in the background*

China: I think this is so very immature aru.

Russia: I agree. But it is still funny da?

Japan and Hungary: *Take pictures the whole time*

Spain: Roma! You look so cute! It reminds me of the good old days! Given you were still a little jerk, but cute nevertheless.

Lichtenstein: I want a dress like yours Italy.

Switzerland: Now look what you did Lexi. You made my sister want one.

Me: Sorry not sorry. Anyways guys, here we go. One. Two! Three! *snaps fingers*

Italy and Romano: *back in regular clothing*

Romano: Thank Goodness!

Italy: Aww. I wanted to wear it for a bit longer. Can I Lexi?

Me: Sorry Feli. You don't need a dress for one of the next chapters to come. But here. *hands him a plate of pasta*

Italy: *smiles and goes off to a corner to eat pasta*

Me: I now call that corner the Pasta Corner. It is decided. I claim it under the name of Pasta everywhere.

Japan: You are starting to sound rike Itary-San.

Me: Your point is? -.-

Japan: Nevermind. -_-

Me: Anyways! Next up is...

HetaOni Italy X Reader

Then we have...

Japan X Sick!Reader

Then I do a...

Turkey X Reader

Later Leeches! 🇯🇵🇩🇪🇮🇹🇨🇳🇷🇺🇺🇸🇬🇧🇫🇷🇨🇦

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