Jailbird Thug!Austria X Lady-like!Reader

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Requested by- @SoulEater911

YOUR POV (sorry there's no pic duh)-

You were walking down the street towards the store one day and you saw a familiar face start walking beside you. "What do you want Roderich?"


"Then may I ask why you're following me?"

"This is a bad neighborhood. A stuffy little miss perfect like you shouldn't be out here without anyone to protect you."

"That's sweet Roderich but I have more important matters to deal with. My roommate and I are throwing a party this afternoon and I have to get the ingredients for my home made chocolate chip cookies."

"Will you make me some?"

"How about I give you what's left over?"

"Deal. So this party, who's all coming?"

"Did I say party. My word, I cannot speak today. I meant high-tea. Arthur's been calling it a party lately and only the good Lord knows why. Anyways, I'll see you around Roderich."

"Why do you say that?"

You pointed at the store before going in. You found what you needed and went home.

~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~

The tea was fabulous. Ladies were wearing beautiful dresses just perfect for the event. Men were wearing slacks with clean button up shirts. You were walking around trying to pass out cookies when your roommate, Arthur, came out to find you.

"(Y/n), phone for you Love. I'll take over from here."

You went inside and picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"(Y/n), it's me."

"What know Roderich?" You asked with a sigh.

"Do you think you can come get me?"

"Roderich, I'm hosting a get together. Why can't Gilbert or Elizabeta come get you?"

"Liza's gone shopping for a new frying pan and she took Gil as her test dummy."

"Ouch. So why can't you just walk home?"

"That's just it. I'm at a holding cell be use I was arrested."


"Yeah. I'll pay you back just please come get me."

"Fine. Just hold on." You heard a scream in the back round.

"Oh and (Y/n), HURRY!" The line went dead. You grabbed your purse, jacket, and car keys before telling Arthur you would be right back. You had to go out for milk. You drive to the jail and found an officer.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for Edelstein." He took you to the holding cell where two guys were pushing him around like a rag doll. "Excuse me. Gentlemen, please stop pushing that man." They still didn't stop so you did the only thing you could think of. "YO MORONS! Drop him before I have to get ugly!"

"You already are chick. Now buzz off." The officer had long since left so you grabbed one of them by the shoulder and glared daggers through his eyes.

"When I say drop him, I mean DROP HIM!!"

They both stopped before you grabbed Roderich's hand and pulled him away. You brought him to a nearby alley and slapped him. "Ow! What was that for??"

"Number one, making me leave the tea. Number two, getting arrested. And number three, for freakin' making me raise my voice like that!"

"You know you're hot when you get angry?"

"Then I suppose I must be drop dead sexy right now huh?" You crossed your arms and turned away from him.

"Actually yes. But you always are."

"What?" You turned back around and his lips met your's. Your eyes widened for a second before you kissed him back. "What was-"

"I love you (Y/n)."

You sighed as you fixed his shirt collar. "I love you too Roderich." Yo walked back home and everyone was gone. Arthur came out from the kitchen and saw your hand in Roderich's.

"So I'm guessing the trip to get milk went well huh Love?"

"Yes. Yes it did."

"So where's the two percent?"

"Right here." Roderich said before he kissed you. Arthur chuckled before going back into the kitchen. "Hey. Didn't you promise me cookies?"

"Yes. I did. But I think they're all gone."

"It's cool I guess. You're the only sweet I need anyways." You blushed before you both sat in the living room watching movies for the rest of the day. He was a jailbird, but he was your's. And no matter how many times he gets locked up, he'll always have you right there to bail him out.


Hey guys! Not so sure how well this is but I tried. Anyways, next up-

Italy X Reader X Japan.

I'll try to update soon but I'm out of Internet and I'm going to dad's this weekend. I also left my phone there by accident and am updating on my mom's tablet. So if it looks off, that's why. Anyways, all for now. 🇯🇵🇩🇪🇮🇹🇷🇺🇨🇳🇬🇧🇺🇸🇫🇷

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