chapter fifteen.

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wow. the last chapter. it only took me a year to upload. i'm sorry! hope you all enjoy. xx

 * * * 

People say you don't know what you've got until its gone. Truth is, you knew exactly what you had, you just never thought you'd lose it.

It was unexpected. One moment she was standing there smiling at me through her bright, hazel eyes and the next, she was gone. Disappeared into thin air, vaporized, and all I was left with was the thought of her - the fading memory of her comforting smile and delicate hands and I regret not saying anything, too. I'll never forget the night I stayed up watching her sleep; she was my beacon of sanity but also the cause of my insanity and madness. It drove me crazy, those confusing feelings I had for her. I forced myself to believe that we were just friends, to get over it. If only I knew - if only I made the effort, she would still be here with me. And it's true, I knew exactly what I had, I just took her for granted.

* * *

"Are you ready?" She sighed and brushed her curls back behind her shoulders. They cascaded down her back and stopped before the low dip in her turquoise dress. She was absolutely stunning and I couldn't believe I never noticed until now.

"Harry? Hello?" Shaking her hands in front of my face, I blinked my eyes back to reality.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm ready." I adjusted my tie and pulled down the bottom of my dinner jacket. When we got to school, our homeroom teacher distributed the caps and gowns. Today is going to be a big day, not only because it's graduation, but also today I was going to tell her.

Weeks after my audition, she was all I could think about. They way she hugged me and comforted me gave me butterflies in my stomach. She was so beautiful. And now that I think about it, I'm so grateful I got to grow up with her. I only hope she feels the same way about me.

"Harry. Stop zoning out, did you hear what Mr. Brimble said?" Her eyes were so mesmerizing.

"Harry. Hello?! What the fuck! Get your shit together." I laughed and looked down at the floor.

"I'm so sorry, I just can't believe today is the last day at Holmes Chapel High." In seconds, her facial expression dropped and her shoulders went limp. I could see a glossy layer of water starting to form in the corner of her eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Melly." I pulled her into a tight hug,

"Don't call me that Harry. And stop reminding me that today's the last day or else I'm really going to cry. And then I'll mess up my makeup," I nodded but didn't let go. I just wanted to hold her forever. I wanted to tell her that she didn't need makeup, she was perfect the way she was. Finally, she pulled away when someone interrupted us.

"Hi, Harry." A high voice squeaked into my ear. Turning around, I saw a girl in an extremely short dress.

"Hi Abigail." I gave her a short side hug and I heard Melanie mutter,

"Your girlfriend's a bimbo." I looked up to find her walking away towards Will, Talia, and Cameron.

"So congratulations, Haz." Abby lightly brushed her hand on my arm and I felt slightly uncomfortable.

"Uh, thanks." I awkwardly took a small step back and said,

"I think Mr. Brimble wants us to get into line." Hurriedly, I swiveled around and rushed to the back of the line where everyone with last names starting with 'S' stood.

* * *

After the ceremony, there was a small party for the new graduates and their families. Immediately, I searched the crowd for her. She wasn't hard to find because the burning image of her tight, turquoise dress was embed into my brain. She spotted me too and quickly the big smile on her face diminished a little. I ran up to her and embraced her, breathing in her rosy scent.

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