chapter four.

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Okay, I hope you're ready for this chapter! It's a long one!

At one point in this chapter, I've taken snippets from this recording I heard. [Some of the words are italicized.] Anyways, I think every single girl has to listen to it. After you are done reading, click on the external link. PLEASE.

~There is no gif for this chapter, sorry! 


* * * 

I haven't eaten anything for the past three days. The only thing I allow into my system is water.  Lately, I've been getting tired but that's probably because of the lack of sleep I'm getting. I spend my nights looking at myself in the mirror. I pick out every flaw and devote hours to try to fix it. I tell myself that this change is for me, because I want to be a better person. But I'm only lying. It's for Harry.  Everything I do is for Harry.

I haven't talked to him in three days, not since our little fight. I presume he's hanging out with Felicity, but I could care less. I know he'll come around.  Sooner or later, we are going to have to talk about it.

As the school year approaches, I find my days of vacation lessening.  This summer was a complete bum. Aside from going to the mall yesterday with my father, I didn't do much but hang out with Harry.

I sighed and picked up my phone from the counter. No new messages.

Maybe Harry is mad at me? Maybe he's not my problem; rather I'm his. 

Groaning, I decided that I was the one who had to suck it up and talk to him.  As I started to walk towards my balcony door, fatigue grew over me. I've noticed the little things tire me out. I took a seat on the edge of the bed and collapsed backwards. Immediately, I fell into unconsciousness.

* * *

"Mel?" His voice was quieter than a whisper. Shaking me gently, he said,

"Mel, can we talk?"

I was exhausted. The more I slept the more tired I would get. Slowly, I rubbed my eyes and eventually opened them. Harry was sitting close to my thighs. When he realized I was awake, he smiled a smile that could light up my world any day. I know it sounds cheesy, but it's true.

"Help me," I mumbled and held out my hands. I was too weak to push myself up.  Harry extended his massive hands and pulled me up while supporting my back with the other.

"So can we talk about this?" He finally said. I was dreading this moment.

"About what?" I raised my eyebrows because I couldn't remember what our fight was even about.

"Mel, I just want to say sorry." Harry's hand cupped my elbow, as I looked at him in confusion.  I found it difficult remembering what had happened three nights ago.

Harry continued,

"I didn't mean to shout at you. I was just u-upset. I thought Felicity was going to leave me." Then it finally clicked. Harry had yelled at me for trying to comfort him. My mood changed drastically, I was annoyed now.

"Well, you should see someone about your anger issues." I pushed his hand off and tried to get off the bed but I was too tired.

"Yeah I should." Harry laughed, why the hell was he laughing?

"Stop laughing, this isn't funny, Styles." I furrowed my eyebrows and crossed my arms.

"You're so cute when you're angry." He chuckled again. What? I crinkled my nose and gave him the what-the-fuck look. I shook it off and asked,

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