chapter twelve.

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I've added an image on the side! Enjoy! (:

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It’s funny how fucked up my life is. I’ve just been thinking about everything that has happened. Felicity, Harry, my mum, my dad, my health issues – it’s a never-ending world of problems. And now, Abigail Crawshaw is another one of them.  I just don’t understand how one person, let alone me, can stand all of this CHAOS.

Sometimes, I just wished the world would stop spinning and let me get my head together. I wish that one day something would go my way and luck would be on my side, but then again, I am Melanie Harte, probably the most dysfunctional person you will ever meet.

As my alarm rang, I groggily slapped at it until it stopped making beeping noises. I lay recumbent in bed and just looked up, already overthinking.  I wondered what this day would bring.

Slowly, I pushed off the covers and trudged to the bathroom. I was not excited for another day of being ignored by Harry. Ever since Annoying Abigail came, he was all over her. I think I even saw him try to make a move. Like seriously, your fucking girlfriend just cheated on you. You need time.

Rolling my eyes at the reflection in the mirror, I decided I was too lazy to take a shower today. I quickly got changed into my uniform and ran downstairs for my breakfast. Ever since the fight with my dad, things have been awkward. Very awkward.

“Uh, good morning,” I said for the first time in days. He doesn’t even put down his damn newspaper. His only response is a grunt. I roll my eyes again and grab the first thing in sight, a muffin.   

Walking out the door with my muffin in hand, I decided on shouting something rude but I didn’t want to push it. I sighed and closed the door quietly. I really didn’t want to leave my father on a bad note.

On my way to the stoplight, I noticed two people standing really close and to my horror, it was Harry and Abby. Without thought, I rolled my eyes for the third time today. I was in no mood for any ‘Habby’ business. That’s what everyone at school calls them.

I walked the whole way to school listening to them gibber gabber about random stuff. At one point, I even noticed them brush hands. I was on the verge of exploding, but then again I don’t have a right to be a jealous. I’m not with Harry after all.

* * *

When we, well so to speak, I, arrived at school, I jogged to my locker to retrieve my books. The bell was about to ring but I didn’t care if I was given another detention for being late. At homeroom, I pushed past people sitting on their desks to get to the back. I ended up tripping over someone’s foot and falling face first into the cold tile floor. 

“Oh sorry, Mel.” Harry said, “I didn’t even see you there.” I glared at him for a good twenty seconds but he was preoccupied by Abby. I got onto my knees and collected my books and papers that had tumbled out of my hands. Someone’s hands had reached down and helped me stand up. Looking up, I noticed it was Cameron.

“Thanks Ryder.”  I smiled and sat behind him.

“Hey, are you okay?” His eyebrows were knitted together in concern. I nodded and rubbed the palms of my hands.

“I can’t wait to leave this place.” He chuckled and then turned around when Mr. Brimble walked into the room.

“Good morning everyone! As you all may know, today is a special day for a certain person!” I looked around the room because honestly, I was clueless.

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