3: Crossed the State Line and Called Out a Warning

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Taylor's POV:

"I really don't know what to even pack right now father." I groan as I rumble through my closet.

"Its New York City son, we've been there plenty of times before. You should at least have some ideas."

"Why are you even in my room supervising me? It's bad enough you're shipping me off to help out some band." I say frustrated as I throw some more flannel shirts to my king size bed.

"Maybe if you didn't act like such a punk I wouldn't have to send you anywhere." He smiles.

"You're enjoying this aren't you?"

He shakes his head and sighs. "Taylor, why in the world would you think I would ever enjoy having to do something like this. You're my only son. Everything I do, I do it for you. You're the only thing I have in this world." He run his hand through his hair. "You're behavior has just gotten out of my control."

I bite the inside of my cheek. He wasn't wrong there.
I can't even count the times I have been running from the cops, or staying out smoking and drinking with the Team. Not to mention the amount of girls that these sheets have seen.

"With time Taylor," he says bringing me out of my daze, "you'll thank me for helping you grow up."

"Yeah, yeah sure." I blow him off.

He sits on the edge of my bed and nods his head. "Well," he pats his hands against his knee caps, "I'll make you a deal."

"What kind of deal?" I slowly look up to find him already staring up at me.

"Six months." He sighs deeply. "I'll let you come back home in six months. If Adam tells me that you're doing great and that he sees an improvement in your attitude."

"Six months? Are you fucken serious?" I throw my suitcase to the floor. "I thought it was going to be there for a couple of months. Not for half a year."


"Leave my room." I say sternly.

"Taylor?" His eyes soften at my anger.

"Dad." I pause and inhale. "Please. Let me just enjoy my room for the little time I have left."

He doesn't argue with my request and exits my room without another word.

I turn to the clothes on the bed and just begin to throw anything and everything I could into the suitcase. All while I decided to play some music.


When I arrive to New York City, I am met by the beautiful Manhattan sky line.

I guess I do have a soft side. I smile to myself.

When I retrieve my bags, I am approached by Adam.

"Hey little York." He says as he pats my back. "You sure have grown." He ruffles my hair.

"Hey Adam." I smile at him. I just pull on my beanie and back away from his reach. One thing to know about me, never touch me.

"So the band is excited for you to be joining them." He says as we head out of the airport and get in line for a cab.

I nod.

"Yeah, I'm not." He chuckles. "What is the deal with this band anyway?" I ask feeling curious. I love music especially really unknown artists. I have my exceptions, like Fall Out Boy, Kelly Clarkson to name a few. But the least is minimal.

"Paramore?" He asks as he cocks an eyebrow. We take a step forward as the line slowly starts to come to an end.


"Well, they're fairly new. They come out of the Warped scene."

I nod. "Cool."

"Yeah, they are pretty cool. Hayley especially." He says as I hand my suitcase to the taxi driver.

"Hayley? As in this is a girl band?" I smirk

Thank you dad...

"No." He says getting me to frown. "Its female fronted. Hayley is the lead singer. That's all."

"Oh so it's so it's some Avril Lavigne type of shit?" I say as I settle into the back of the cab.

He chuckles. "No," he shakes his head, "not like that actually."

"Sure." I say as I turn my head out at the city lights.

I was so lost in the huge skyscrapers that rose high above the ground that I almost didn't hear my phone ring.

I smirk as the name flashed on my phone.

"Why Gabriella Dipace. Is it really you?" My smirk turns smug. "I told you, I'd be expecting your call. Usually you stick to your 'Taylor Detox' for at least a whole day. This is different. I guess last night was that good."

"Taylor?" She says. Her voice sounds like she was crying.

"The one and only." I bite my lower lip.

She groans. "Just shut the fuck up and listen for once you asshole."

"I am." I chuckle. "What do you want Gabs?"

"You..." she swallows hard. "You left?" She sniffs. "You left me?" She chokes on her words.

"Hey." My voice goes serious. "I didn't leave voluntarily, I was basically shipped out here."

"For how long?" She says sounding hurt.

"6 months." I respond with a bit of disgust.

"6 months? Are you kidding me?" She repeats.

"Nah," I sigh. "But don't worry Gabs, I won't remember how your body tastes..."

"You left for six months and you couldn't even say goodbye?" She cuts me off.

"Whoa! Didn't I just fucken say I was shipped out here. It's not like I had all the time in the world to go door to door and give a heart felt good bye Gabby." I scoff.

"Fuck your heart felt good bye okay? I just thought having slept with you since we were fifteen, I just thought I deserved more than to find out through your dad."

"My dad?" I cock my eyebrow.

"Yes Taylor your dad!" She sighs in frustration. "Like a dumbass I climbed into your room about an hour ago. Only to find it empty. I waited for you Taylor. I sneak out the back and knock on your front door and I am welcomed with the news that you have taken off to God knows where." Her voice starts cracking once again.

"What did you expect? A goodbye kiss to seal our sins?" I say sarcastically.

"You know what Taylor." She says sounding angry. "Go fuck yourself."

'I chuckle as she hangs up on me.

"Girl problems?" Adam cuts in as I look up from my phone.

"She'll get over it. She always does this. Tells me to go 'fuck myself' tells herself that she doesn't want me anymore. Or she puts an 'end' to our late night visits but that's just how it is. I give her a day and then she comes running back." I shake my head. "But that's just Gabby."

"Sounds like you're trouble." He says as the cab comes to a full stop.

"You have no idea." I say as I open the door and climb out the car.

My bags are already on the curve.

"Well," he says as he walks towards the entrance of a beautiful apartment complex, "the band's waiting."

I sigh deeply as I begin my walk inside.

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