12: No You Can't Run Away, You Wouldn't

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Hayley's POV:

"He didn't come home." Jeremy says as he walks into the living room. I began to write some lyrics. Loosing track of time and letting the night slip away from me.

"What?" I ask as if I didn't hear him. When in fact I was hoping I didn't hear correctly.

"Taylor." He says quietly as he comes and sits on the table in front of me. "He didn't come home. He's bed is empty."

"oh." I say monotone as if the information didn't bother me. But honestly, I felt angered. "Well he is a grown ass dude. He could do whatever the fuck he wants." I turn my attention to the notebook I had been scribbling on all night.

"I was just letting you know." He scoffs. "No need to be a bitch about it." He pulls himself up and I roll my eyes.

"Fuck you too." I say getting him to turn back and smile at me. And with that disappearing into the hallway that leads to the bedrooms.

I throw my head back and release a deep sigh.

Maybe he'll never come back. That way I never get tempted again. Maybe Taylor leaving with his little friend is beneficial to my sanity after all.

And with that thought, I decide to get my ass moving before the guys leave me here again.

Today was the first day of recording and honestly I was so ready to get into the booth.

I take a quick glance at his bed as I pass by. Only to find it undone and empty. Just like this feeling within.

I step into my bedroom and strip of all clothing, pulling up my hair, I turn the water on at its hottest and step in.

At first the hot water was too much to bear. But the more I stood under it, the better it felt on my skin.

Closing my eyes, I let the water slide off my skin and hit the porcelain tub. The sound was soothing, the water was bliss, the steam made it all the better.

If it wasn't for Josh knocking on the door I could have easily stayed here all day. And boy after last night I wouldn't have minded one bit.

"I'm coming." I shout as I take a towel from the rack and wrap it around my small figure.

I open the door and see him tower over me.

"Morning babe." He says with a smile from ear to ear.

He pecks my lips and I can't help but smile back.

"Good morning." I say back as I push past him to start getting dressed. Josh doesn't bother to leave or turn around as I change. I mean it's not like he hasn't seen any of this before.

A smirk appears on his face and I slightly bite my lower lip in a teasing manner.

I let the towel drop to floor and slowly slip into my undergarments.

"Dammit Hayley." He says under his breath as I continue to slowly change into my jeans and a grey knit sweater. "I fucken hate you. You know this right."

I lip my lower lip and bite down on it. "I know." I say as I walk up to him, wrapped my arms around his neck, push my body to his, and brush his lips with my own.

His hands instantly go to down my bottom and caress my ass. I smile up at him and shake my head. "Maybe later." I pull away getting a groan from him.

I laugh and walk out of my room completely.

As if I couldn't feel any shitter as a person, I decided that using my boyfriend would help me get over a silly crush I had on the guy I was sleeping with. If that doesn't qualify me as the worst human being, then I don't know what will.

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