2: Such a cold, cold world (Hello Cold World)

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Hayley's POV:

"What in the Lord's name is that smell?" I say to myself as I slowly begin to get out of bed. There was a stank in the air. It was dank and smelled like something had died right inside our apartment.

"Guys!" I say as I begin to walk out my room. Not bothering to change out of my sweat pants that I so happen to sleep in. And just like every morning. There was no answer.


I scream louder this time when I see all the mess that is waiting for me in both the kitchen and the living room. There were empty junk food wrappers all over the floor. In the kitchen the beer cans and dishes were piling up on the counter. They didn't even bother to place their dishes inside the sink or load them into the dishwasher.

I sigh and pull my hair into a messy bun. Knowing that if I didn't clean up, they wouldn't do it and this house would collapse from all the mess.

Not to mention doing their laundry and cooking for them. At this point I'm surprised they know how to shower without my help.

"Morning little one." I hear Jeremy say as I am carrying a black trash bag and walking around the living room dumping everything there is in it.

Annoyed, I look up only to be met by his goofy smile.

"Don't morning me. What the fuck happened here last night?"

"Oh." He scratched the back of his neck. "You see yesterday we were playing a Fifa marathon. One thing led to another and well, we ended up having some friends over."

"All this while I was asleep?" He nods.

"Yeah. Teaches you to stop falling asleep with your headphones on." He smiles again.

I shake my head. "Well excuse me for trying to get inspired." Sarcasm spewing from my mouth.

"Whatever." He says under his breath and walks back into the hall way.

"Don't whatever me Clayton." Gosh, I'm such a mom.

Josh soon awoke and headed to the kitchen where I was now loading the dishwasher.

"Morning." He wraps his arms around my waist and places a kiss behind my ear.

I wiggle out of his arms only to have him groan.

"What the hell is it now?" I turn to him and give him a death glare. "Fucks sake Hayley. You've been such a buzz kill lately."
For the sake of my own sanity, I choose to ignore his stupid ass comment. "Yeah sure." I say monotone.

He sighs and climbs on the counter next to me. "You missed an epic marathon last night."

"Or so I've heard." I said as I kept my rhythm of cleaning.

"Are you seriously going to ignore me?" He says with a bit of hurt in his voice.

Sighing, I turn to him and lean against the counter across from the one he was sitting at.

"I'm not ignoring you. I just hate the fact that I'm always the one cleaning after you boys. Like gosh get your shit together."

He chuckles.

My cheeks instantly flash red. My blood began to boil.

"It's not funny." He climbs off the counter and towers me. I slightly turn my head up as he kiss my forehead.

"Stop being so grumpy." He lifts my chin. "Look, I promise to finish cleaning up. Why don't you go and get in the shower."

I nod. "Don't forget the trash."

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