Chappie 4

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Chappie 4) Cameron's P.O.V

Just another dreadful morning, waking up to an alarm.
Liz's arm is securely wrapped around my waist, her head is buried in my chest and our legs our tangled together.
God we're cuddle monsters!
"Lizzzyy! Wake up!" I said while shaking Liz.
She grunted but buried her face deeper in my chest.
"GET UP BABE" I yelled and pulled her off of me.
"Damn it, why the fuck can't we drop out? We're werewolves for goddesses sake!"Liz complained while removing herself from the bed.
"I wanna drop out too but we both know Mum would never agree." I said.
"True...SHIT" Liz exclaimed.
"What's up?"I asked her, concerned.
"All my clothes are dirty"-Liz
"You can borrow some of mine"-Me
"Okay okay. We'll be twins. Go pick something out while I shower"-Me
"Kk bye babe"-Liz
"Bye babe"-Me
After listening to a couple songs by Pierce The Veil, I hopped out the shower and wrapped my fluffy red towel around my body.
Walking into the bedroom, I found 2 matching outfits laid out on our bed.
There was 2 black and red Sleeping With Sirens (sws) shirts, 2 pairs of ripped black skinny jeans, 2 black leather jackets, 2 pairs of misfits socks, 2 pairs of black vans, and 2 red and black sws beanies.
Both outfits were identical.
Liz and I bought these outfits at Hot Topic on my 18th birthday which was only a week ago.
They were exactly the same except Liz's was one size bigger.
We both got dressed and applied the exact same make-up.
Black eyeliner, black mascara, and dullish red lipstick.
To add on to the 'twin day' we had the same Pierce The Veil cases for our phones AND we had the same bracelets; Pierce The Veil, Nirvana, Motionless In White, My Chemical Romance and Bring Me The Horizon.
We were definitely matching today.
The only differences between us is her eyes are a gorgeous brown,while mine are green and she's a tad bit smaller than me. Same height, I just have annoying curves.
I borrowed Mum's Porsche and drove us to school.
Lucky for me, Liz got her schedule changed to match mine exactly.
Making sure we can protect each other.
We walked into school and surprisingly, no one looked disgusted of me...well, with the exception of Wendy.
Every one looked at me as if I was actually attractive.
Nah, can't be. I'm a potato.
All of a sudden I heard a growl and I turned to see Florence.
I didn't know she went to school here.
Before I could blink, Florence had pulled me into her while glaring at everyone who was staring at me moments before.
"MINE" she growled again.
I rubbed her back lightly to calm her down.
"It's okay. I'm yours..."I whispered to her.
She calmed down and her muscles relaxed.
"Uhh, sorry" she mumbled.
I giggled.
"It's fine" I assured her.
She smiled widely then grabbed my hand.
We walked to the Cafe with Liz on my other side.
The stares I was getting were unbelievable.
They were looking at me with so many emotions.
My day was going good til the wicked witch of the west's boyfriend came trotting toward my mate with his fuckboy gang behind him.
"Baby what are you doing with this emo skank?"Wendy's boyfriend Matt said to my mate while glaring at me.
Him calling her baby had did a number on me.
I was feeling so many things.
Involuntarily, I growled at him.
He looked so surprised.
"Did you just fucking growl at me?" Matt questioned.
Florence was about to say something back before I punched him in the nose.
Where is all this new found confidence coming from?
As he fell to the ground I screamed at Liz.
I couldn't contain my excitement.
"Oh my god! You fucking did it! Good job boo thang!"Liz said happily.
I turned to see Florence looking at me with a smirk.
Her eyes held ...pride?
"What are you smirking at?" I asked her with an eyebrow raised.
"Babe that was amazing..." she said proudly.
"I KNOW RIGHT!"I yelled then fist bumped Liz.
Florence pulled me into her and inhaled my scent.
"I'm so proud...that was a good hit"she mumbled in my hair.
I smiled widely.
My mate was proud of me?
"Why thank you love"I said.
"Of course" she responded as we sat at a table.
Jean came over seconds later.
"DID MY BABY SISTER FIGHT A BITCH?"Jean asked excitedly.
"Mmhm. Matt." I said back to my sister.
"But why? You rarely get in fights..."Jean asked curiously.
"The pathetic fuck called MY mate 'baby' then called me an emo skank!" I told Jean, my British coming out fully.
"Cammy calm down, your British is coming out. We don't want to have to talk with Pack Law again" Liz warned me.
I thought back to the time my British came out fully.
I had beaten a girl named Mandy into a coma.
I was walking down the school hall with Liz beside me when Mandy had come up to me. I didn't really know her too well.
"Look who it is, Ms.I had sex with my uncle and called it rape" she said.
I completely lost it.
I pounced on her and started beating her face in with my fists. Then everything went black.
*End Of Flashback*
Florence looked at me with surprise and curiosity.
"You're British?"she asked amazed.
"Uhh yeah. I don't know how though. None of my family is British but I am for some reason..." I responded.
"So umm...what bad things happen when your British comes out. So bad that Pack Law has to get involved." she asked me.
I explained to her what happened to Mandy a year ago, who is still in a coma today.
She looked so shocked.
"Are you serious?"she asked.
"Uhh...yeah..." I said getting nervous.
She looked at me with pride and
She pulled me into a hug and said aloud
"That's badass! You're not the regular she-wolf. I like that" she said with a smile.
I couldn't help but smile back.
She pecked my lips lightly and pulled me in her lap.
"And you'll make a wonderful Luna"he whispered in my ear.
My heart swelled with so much happiness, she thought I'd make a wonderful Luna? That means so much coming from her...
"Th-thanks" I replied trying to get the smile off my face but it wasn't working.
The bell rung and Florence told me she got her schedule to match mine.
Liz, Jay and I walked into 1st period History as everyone stared at us, considering the fact that me and Florence were holding hands.
The guys and most of the girls looked to her and I then bowed their heads.
Only 3 people were showing disrespect.
Wendy, Liberty and Kim.
They were glaring at me as if I had just killed a puppy.
I ignored it then sat at a round table with both Liz and Florence beside me.

The school day went by pretty fast.
We were heading into the gym for 7th period Gym.
Florence kissed my cheek and walked into the girls locker room, her hand in mine, with Liz following behind.
We didn't feel like getting dressed out, so we simply walked back out and sat on the bleachers.
Florence held my small body close to her, gave me a deep kiss and ran over to three guys. I decided to give them 'man time' then started talking to Liz about my fight with Matt.
"...but imagine it all in slow mo. It would've been so fucking cool. We should've video taped-"I was saying before an arm wrapped around my waist, sending sparks through my body.
"Hey babe" she said huskily, I'd be jello any second now.
"Hey"I said back.
"I wanted to introduce you to my future beta Noah, and my future third in command Jordan"-Florence.
"Hello, nice to meet you both"I said happily and they both nodded.
"I heard you decked that fucker Matt in the nose, is it true?" Noah asked with excitement.
I giggled then answered him
"Yeah I did" not hiding my smirk.
He fist bumped me then said with a chuckle "Damn we got a badass Luna! We'll be good friends."
"I look forward to it" I said with a smile then Noah and Jordan walked off.
"They seem cool" I said to my mate with a smile.
She nodded her head then pulled me in her lap and inhaled my scent.

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