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H e l l o. Wow it's been a while. I have so many things to say...

For starters, I am s o sorry. I've deleted all the other authors notes and I plan for this to be the last one I make. To those who don't know, I've been struggling with so much the past few months. I haven't in so long because of these issues. My depression got out of control and I wasn't myself anymore. I'm so happy to say that I'm getting better and making progress. Yes, I still have depression. I still have anxiety. It doesn't just go away. But it can be, and needs to be, controlled. Which I'm working so very hard to do. I've been dealing with all of these things little by little. And I can finally say, that I am back. Wattpad makes me so happy. I am able to express myself and reach out to others with my work. So, in conclusion, I am back and happy to be back.

Now enough about me :) I shall now discuss the future of this book. 

SO. I am continuing. BUT. I'm changing things up. I don't want this to be one of those basic werewolf books that is so basic that people barely remember them. I plan to add an actual plot. Most werewolf books are so simple. The girl is either broken or overly confident, the alpha ends up being her mate and fixes her or puts her in her place. Then there's always the big climax! Something bad happens to the girl but no worries! The alpha comes to her rescue and they live happy peaceful lives. THEN, if you're lucky, there's a sequel that has something to do with their kids! I don't want that. I'm taking it to a new level. I'm bringing in...*drum roll*... LGBT !!! If you're homophobic I guess it sucks to be y o u. But for the rest of us cool people, we're gonna be reading (well, writing for me) a cool ass werewolf book involving gay people! I know, lit right? 

ALSO))) No, I'm not creating a new book. I'm most likely just going to keep this book and edit the shit out of it. Like I said before, the plot is mainly going to be the same. I'm just making it gay. But yeah :)))) Hopefully you all like it! Thank you all for your love and support through this stressing part in my life, it all definitely helped me recover :) Stay happy, not sad!

Love, Vic.

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