Chapter 5

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~ Makoto's POV ~

I ran out the room in sheer embarrassment. I couldn't help looking when Haru was you know... I sound like such a pervert but I promise, I'm not. Haru just has a beautiful body... It's nothing to be ashamed of... Okay, I'll shut up; I can feel you judging me.

~ Haru's POV ~

I slipped off my swimming trunks whilst Makoto stood patiently outside. I put on the clothes and began to examine the outfit in my long mirror.

The clothes went extraordinarily well together. The colour theme was blue without a doubt. I smiled as I called Makoto to come in.

"Woah! Haru you look really handsom- great!", he mumbled awkwardly as he looked me up and down a little too eagerly.

"You're not too bad yourself", I chuckled.

"Do you like it then... the outfit?", he grinned putting his arm around my shoulders.

I nodded and gave him a quick hug, "Thank you, Makoto", I smiled before checking my bedside clock quickly. It read: '6:35pm'.

"It's my pleasure", he said as he saw me checking the time, "should we get the stuff ready?".

"I suppose", I muttered, turning to face him as I peered up at his gorgeous face. His eyes glimmered in the sunlight that was pouring in through my window. Our mouths were slightly open and we stood there in silence, just staring. Makoto slipped his arm around my waist as I placed my hand on his shoulder.

There was no movement nor was there any noise.

We just stood there.

Blissfully yet quietly.

I pulled away awkwardly in sudden realisation. Haru, you haven't even gotten over Rin yet, how can you expect yourself to fall in love so easily all over again? I thought as I walked to the kitchen, leaving Makoto confused and breathless.

Makoto followed me into the kitchen. I could feel his breath against the back of my neck, sending vibrations along my spine. I couldn't help but blush.

I grabbed a few containers and handed him one to put the salad in, "Please help me pack away by putting the salad in here", I said politely.

"Sure thing", he smiled, taking the container and washing his hands as he tossed the salad into the large plastic tub.

I wrapped up the several fillets of mackerel in tin-foil and packed them away into a small container to keep them insulated.

"You all set to go?", I asked Makoto as he put the lid on the tub full of salad.

"Yep", he grinned as he followed me to the door.

I slipped on a pair of navy canvas shoes and opened the front door, letting Makoto out before I exited my house, closing the door and locking it behind me.

Time skip :D

~ Rei's POV ~

I heard a knock on the door as I laid out the cutlery on the dining table.

"Rei-chan, please can you get that?", Nagisa called.

"Of course", I replied, putting the cutlery down and running to get the door.

I swung the door open to be greeted by Makoto and Haru who were looking very dapper in their grand outfits.

"Welcome", I smiled pleasantly as I took the containers from them and let them inside.

"It's been a while since we've seen you, Rei!", Makoto grinned, patting me softly on the back.

"It certainly has, at least we've got plenty days left until Nagisa and I go back to school", I chuckled, noticing Haru's emotionless expression.

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