Chapter 6: Catch Me

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Niall bounced on his feet as Harry followed him out of the car. The boy was being incredibly slow for someone who hadn’t seen his girlfriend face-to-face since February. They, like he and Becca, Skyped like crazy, but none of them had been in the same room since they’d all met basically. Harry should have been rushing through his shower after the show in New Jersey. He should have been falling out of the car to get up the stairs to his girlfriend’s apartment. Instead, he was being Harry. He was being as nonchalant as he could be because he was Harry. That’s how Harry was. On the other hand, Niall was feeling kind of nervous. He needed a shot of something to gather his courage. Why he needed courage he wasn’t sure. Something about being close to Becca again made his insides knot up. She’d mentioned once that he gave her butterflies. It seemed like she gave him a case of them too.

Harry finally got out of the car and smiled at Niall. “C’mon, impatient.”

The Irish boy nodded as he took a bag from Harry. “The others are going to check into the hotel, right?”

“Right,” Harry nodded as he hefted one of the bags up. “How much did you order?”

“Enough to feed everyone and then some,” Niall shrugged.

“And then some?” Harry asked.

Niall nodded. “Becca really likes leftover Chinese.”

“Does she?” Harry chuckled.

Niall sighed and stopped. “One night she had Chinese. The next day she was eating leftovers. Next night she’s finishing it off. I mention something about it, and she said that Chinese food is better when it’s old and cold.”

Harry grinned at Niall. “You’ve got it incredibly bad, don’t you?”

Niall rolled his eyes. “Shut up. I want to keep her fed. Cold Chinese food keeps her fed.”

Harry led Niall into the apartment building, and the two boys climbed up to the apartment. They could hear the TV through the door. The girls were giggling. The two boys smiled at one another before Harry lifted his hand and knocked on the door.


Becca laughed at Bree. “Oh my god, Brenna, stop! Just stop! That is not what happened!”

They were looking through old pictures of Becca. There was one where Becca wasn’t wearing pants at her sister’s birthday party. Bree was convinced that Becca was boycotting her older sister’s birthday. Becca insisted that it was a dress.

“Yes it is! You know it is!” Bree giggled.

“It is not! That was a dress. I promise,” Becca threw a piece of popcorn at Bree.

There was a knock on the door. Becca raised an eyebrow as the two girls looks over at the door. It was kind of late, and they didn’t normally have visitors coming around. Becca cautiously got up from the couch and went to the door. She looked through the peephole, smiling. Bree gave her a weird look as she opened the door.

Becca looked over her shoulder. “Boyfriend’s here. He brought a little Irish friend with him.” She turned back to the boys, glancing down at the bags in their hands. “And they brought noms.” She heard Bree bound up behind her to hug Harry. Becca grabbed the food from him while he wrapped his arms around the girl. She grabbed Niall’s free hand, pulling him into the apartment. “Why did you order so much?”

He shrugged. “I’m starving.”

Setting the stuff on the counter, she hugged Niall. “Poor Niall. Have you not eaten in a couple of hours?”

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