Another Curse - Much, Much Worse

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3. Another Curse — Much, Much Worse

In which the Enchantress sure knows how to put a damper on things...

Determined to discover what was really happening, Chris headed for Zach's dance studio. On the way, he ran into Zach himself, laden down with enough snacks to feed an army - or, at least, the leader of an army from the fairytale world.

"Chris!" Zach called out, sounding relieved. "You're here! What's going on?"

Chris sighed. He realized that he should have spent part of the drive formulating a plausible cover story to use with Zach, but it was too late now, and he was too jet-lagged to think on his feet.

"I'm not sure," he replied honestly. "Why don't you let me talk to this guy and see what I can find out."

They made their way to the studio together. Chris held the door open to allow Zach, whose arms were full, to pass through ahead of him. Before Zach could step across the threshold, however, he was nearly bowled over by a curly-headed blur streaking past him.

"Chris!" Darren cried, swooping him into a bone-crushing hug and spinning him around.

Any remaining doubts Chris may have had about whether he'd simply been imagining their romantic relationship were immediately put to rest as Darren drew back from the hug just enough to place both hands on Chris's face and pull him in for a kiss.

A wolf-whistle from Zach reminded Chris that they weren't alone. Reluctantly, he broke away from the kiss, feeling his cheeks flush with a combination of embarrassment and the lingering heat from Darren's hands.

"Awww... You two are adorable," Zach cooed, wrists crossed up under his chin in a way that would certainly give Chris and Darren a run for their money in a 'who's more adorable?' contest.

Sir Burt cleared his throat, looking pointedly at Chris. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but this is an emergency. The Fairy Godfather has been kidnapped by the Enchantress, and Mother Goose sent me here to persuade you to rescue him."

"Mother Goose?" Darren blurted. "Cool! Is she really a talking goose?"

Chris was about to explain to him that the Mother Goose in his story was an old woman who got that nickname because she rode around on her giant pet goose, but Sir Burt responded with a snort.

"I wish! Everyone calls her Mother Goose because once she's knocked back a couple of drinks, she starts pinching buttocks left and right."

Darren was clearly even more delighted with this version of 'reality' than he'd been with the idea of an actual talking goose. He let out a bark of laughter. "Man, I can't wait to meet her!"

"Well, you won't have to wait long. She should be arriving any minute."

No sooner had Sir Burt finished speaking than Mother Goose herself literally popped into the room. Given Sir Burt's description — and the fact that every character from his Land of Stories books seemed to have been mashed-up with a corresponding character from Glee — Chris wasn't surprised to see April Rhodes standing (unsteadily) in front of them.

"Well hello there, Sir Burtie. Have you been gettin' down and dirty?"

Trying valiantly to maintain his dignity in the face of April's lascivious wink, Sir Burt responded, "I've been engaged in the mission you set for me."

"I see that you've found Darren and Chris. Did you tell them about the accursed kiss?"

"I haven't had a chance yet. Chris just got here, and I was about to fill him in when you arrived."

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