Stoner Brett's Magic Beans

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7. Stoner Brett's Magic Beans

In which there are happy trails...

"While we're waiting for the Third Little Pig to build us a flying ship, Kurt and I can climb my beanstalk and retrieve the giant's most prized possession," Blaine suggested. "Would anyone like to join us?"

"Oh, definitely!" Darren exclaimed. "Are you in, Chris?"

"Sure — sounds fun."

"Oh my. There's no need to go rushing off," Rachel sputtered. "I'm sure it won't take long to get the flying ship built, and then you can just float up there. That'll be much easier."

"Unfortunately, that won't work," Blaine explained. "The beanstalk is what summons the giant's castle."

"Oh my. I didn't know. I, uh, kind of had the beanstalk removed."

"Removed?  Why?"

"Well, if you must know, after you ran off with Kurt Hummelocks, I didn't want to see it looming over me as a constant reminder of what we'd once had."

"What you'd once had?!?" Kurt snapped. "What you had was a ridiculous crush on my boyfriend that caused you to act like a sociopath!"

Blaine placed a calming hand on Kurt's back. "It's okay. We'll just need to track down Stoner Brett and get some more magic beans."

"But isn't Stoner Brett being held prisoner in the Troll and Goblin Territory?" Chris asked.

"No," Blaine said with a laugh. "King Karofsky kicked him out after he caught him trying to get Princess Trollbecky high."

"Blaine and I have run into him a few times on our travels through the Dwarf Forests," Kurt added. "He shouldn't be too hard to find."

"I'm sure it won't be as exciting as climbing the beanstalk, but you're still welcome to join us, if you'd like," Blaine offered, smiling at Darren and Chris.

Given a choice between hanging around the castle with a peevish Rachel, or going off on an adventure with Kurt and Blaine, neither one of them hesitated for a moment. "We'd love to!"

The four of them made their way down to the stables. Chris immediately recognized Rum Chocolate Soufflé, the gorgeous buckskin mare that he'd last seen Kurt and Blaine galloping away on together. She nickered as they approached.

"Hello, girl," Kurt greeted her, holding out a sugar cube.

A large black Friesian stallion in the adjacent stall neighed loudly. He thrust his head over the rails, clearly demanding a sugar cube of his own.

"Don't worry, Adrenaline," Blaine reassured him. "I've got one for you, too."

The stallion whinnied in reply before gently taking the treat from Blaine's hand. He chomped happily for a moment before uttering another loud neigh.

"Adrenaline's very vocal," Blaine chuckled. "But he's a real sweetheart. He showed up out of the blue shortly after you left, and he and Rum Chocolate Soufflé have been inseparable ever since."

Chris and Darren exchanged an amused glance at that. They stood by and watched as Kurt and Blaine groomed and bridled the two horses.

"Do you know how to ride?" Chris whispered to Darren.

"Yeah. How about you?"

"Well, I've done it a few times, but I wouldn't say I've got a lot of experience. You'd better sit in front and control the reins, and I'll just hang on and come along for the ride."

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