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10. Frozen

In which evil, by any other name, would look the same...

Chris was awakened by a sharp jolt. "What was that?"

"I think we just landed," Darren replied groggily.

The two made their way to the upper deck, where they found a bleary-eyed Froggy.

"Have you been up all night?" Darren asked.

"Well, somebody had to steer the ship, and make sure we didn't crash into the mountains."

"Sorry, man. You could have woken me. I'd have been willing to take a turn."

"That's okay," Froggy said. "I didn't want to disturb anyone. But now that we're safely on the ground, I think I'm gonna go get some sleep."

Froggy headed down to the lower deck, passing Kurt and Blaine on their way up.

"Good morning," Blaine greeted Chris and Darren. "Did you guys sleep well?"

They both nodded. "Our bed was really comfortable. Red sure knows how to put together a luxury cruise on short notice," Chris said.

Kurt rolled his eyes, but held his tongue. Ever since Rachel had reminded them that this was her ship, so it was up to her who got to come along on the mission, he had been making an obvious effort to rein in his irritation with her.

As Rachel herself came stumbling onto the upper deck, Chris barely caught Kurt muttering under his breath, "Speak of the devil..."

Rachel did not look her best. Her hair was snarled, her eyes were bloodshot, and she appeared to have slept in her clothes. "Where are we?" she groaned, clutching her head.

"I think we're about a mile from the Snow Queen's lair. It's rumored to be hidden in that glacier," Blaine said, gesturing northward. "We'll have to travel the rest of the way on foot."

"I didn't bring any snow boots," Rachel said. "I think I'd better stay here and help Froggy guard the ship."

"That's a good idea, Red," Blaine agreed.

The others all let out a sigh of relief.

Once Rachel had stumbled back down to the lower deck, Darren said, "Wow — I guess she had a little too much to drink last night. That looked like a killer hangover."

Kurt tried — but failed — to hold in a snort.

Blaine bumped their shoulders together. "I think it will be more fun with just the four of us, anyway. How about you two get breakfast ready," he suggested to Chris and Darren, "while Kurt and I gather up the supplies and weapons we'll need."


A couple of hours later — after trudging through the snow and then wandering around in the labyrinthine crevasses of the glacier — the four travelers finally found themselves at the edge of a vast crater. A frozen waterfall spilled down one side, ending in the ice of a lake that covered the crater's floor. At the far side of the crater was an archway, from which hung an enormous chandelier made entirely of dagger-sharp icicles that glowed with an unworldly light. Under that archway sat an icy throne. And upon that throne...

"Is that the Snow Queen?" Darren whispered.

"It must be," Chris replied, whispering as well.

"But why is she wearing a track suit?"

Chris did a double-take. The figure on the throne was, indeed, wearing a bright blue track suit, with a matching scarf covering her eyes. "It looks like Sue Sylvester."

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