Christmas and Boxing day

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Sophie's P.O.V.
It's Christmas Eve, me and Michael haven't spoke for 4 days. It's Mickey's last year with Santa. Since he's going to high school next August, he's too old for him. Sally nearly cried when she found out. Mickey said it was okay as for the next 5 years he got to see Sally get presents from Sally and that was enough for him. Michael didn't believe I was pregnant when me and Lucy told everyone at the picnic. Dionne knows it's true, Chloe knows it's true. Dionne's kids know it's true, Lucy's kids know it's true so does Chloe's. Calum also knows it's true. Luke kinda knows, Ashton kinda knows too and Michael just thinks we're messing around so gets angrier at me for it. I just ignore him and he ignores me. Right now I'm baking the cookies as well as the Turkey. Just as I check on the cookies, Sally comes running in. 'Mommy! Come watch movies with me, Mickey and Daddy! We're watching The Polar Express!' She squeals happily. I chuckle softly at my little girl and nod. I take my apron off and follow her through to the living room. Mickey and Michael have placed blankets on the floor with pillows against the couch. Michael sits down at the far end with Mickey beside him. Sally sits beside her brother and I sit beside Sally. Through the whole movie, the kids laugh, giggle and sing along. I do too. Michael just sits there with a bored expression for awhile but then joins in singing at the Hot Chocolate song. 'Mommy! Can we have hot chocolate?' Sally asks. 'Yeah! Can we?' Mickey asks. I glance and the time. It's only 8.15. 'Okay. I'll go make some.' I say smiling. 'Will you have some mommy?' Sally asks. 'Of course.' 'What about you dad?' Mickey asks. 'Um yeah sure.' Michael says. 'Don't forget the marsh-' I cut him off. 'I know what to do.' I say. I make the hot chocolates with whipped cream and marsh-mallows. '4 hot chocolates.' I say. I hand one cup to Sally, one to Mickey and one to Michael. I then sit on the floor again with mine. Whilst drinking my hot chocolate, I suddenly feel a baby marsh-mallow fly to the back of the my throat, choking me. I start coughing badly but it just sits there. 'Mommy! Breathe mommy!' Sally says. 'Dad! Do something!' Mickey says. Michael rushes over to me, lifts me up from the floor and pats my back. It doesn't budge so he tries to make me drink more hot chocolate but another one gets stuck. I begin struggling even more to breathe. Michael grabs me quickly, he begins to Heimlich me. I try to stop him so not to hurt the baby but it's too late and I cough both marsh-mallows back up. I catch my breath back and turn to him. 'What the hell?!' I yell. 'I was helping you!' Michael defends. 'I think I would've rather choked!' I say, placing a hand to my stomach. I suddenly feel nauseous and run to the bathroom. I spend the next few minutes in there then come out and Michael is waiting at the door. 'I didn't mean to make you sick.' He says, looking at the floor. 'It's fine.' I say and walk past him to the bedroom. Michael begins to follow me in but I stop him with a hand to the chest. 'Go see the kids I'll be down in a minute.' He then leaves. I quickly call Lucy. 'What did he do?!' Is the first thing she asks. 'I choked on marsh-mallows and he Heimliched me.' I say, quietly. 'He Heimliched you?! Oh my god I'm gonna kill him! He could've killed the baby!' She screams. 'Luce calm down please.' I say, weakly. 'He still thinks I'm kidding. He thinks I would've told him straight away.' I say. 'You need to tell him!' Lucy says. 'He won't believe me.' I say. Sally then walks in. 'Mommy! Come back.' She says. 'Sure baby.' I hang up and head down with Sally. Finally the movie ends and we put the milk, cookies and carrots out for Santa and the reindeer. The kids go to sleep and I get into bed. 'Are you okay? You've been acting different and distant since well actually the picnic but even more so since I Heimliched you.' Michael says, sounding concerned. 'It's not like you'd actually listen.' I say, quietly. 'I would but you've not been giving me a chance.' He says. 'Don't make this my fault.' I say. 'I'm not.' He defends. 'Baby, just, face me.' Michael sighs. I roll over so I'm facing him. He smiles and gently runs his thumb over my cheek. 'Look up.' He whispers. I gasp. He remembered the mistletoe! I forgot cause I'd been pregnant and not speaking to him. I fly a hand up to my mouth. The fact he remembers makes me cry with tears of joy. I hug Mike tightly before kissing him. He grins into the kiss and we soon fall asleep entwined in one another. Maybe things will be alright. Just maybe. Little did I know that things were about to go straight back down hill very soon and I could not stop it. I fall asleep happy as does Michael. I've missed this.
Christmas Day goes by smoothly and we have a blast as a family. Michael got me a picture of the family in a large frame. I smile wide and hug him. 'Thank you.' I say. 'Your welcome.' Mike says. I got Mike a few new video games and some clothes. Mike also got me a pretty dress as well as some shirts. 'I want you to wear the dress for either New Years or your birthday.' 'Don't remind me.' I chuckle. 'I'm gonna be 32!' I grumble. 'Oh shut up.' Mike says, playfully. I fold my arms in annoyance. 'I'm serious.' I say. 'Are you really getting annoyed at me right now?' Mike asks. I remember the kids are in the room. 'I'm gonna go check on the dinner.' I get up and go check on it. 'It'll be ready around 12.' I say' sitting back down. Sally suddenly squealed as she pulled the paper off her next present. It's a horse riding outfit! What the hell? 'Daddy! But wait, why a horse riding outfit?' Sally asks. Michael takes something off the table and hands it to Sally. 'She's yours.' Mike says. Sally begins crying. 'She's mine, daddy?' She asks. Michael nods and Sally tackles him in a big hug. 'Mommy! Daddy got me a horse!' She says, showing me. It's a beautiful cream colour. 'Wow!' Is all I say. As Sally shows Mickey, I get up and walk into the kitchen, I glance at Michael and he follows me in. I shut the kitchen doors and turn to him. 'What the hell?!' I ask. 'What?' He asks. 'A horse! A freaking horse!' I yell. 'Yeah! She loves horses so why not?' Michael asks. 'Cause she's 7! And it's spoiling her!' I yell. Michael laughs. 'I know what this is.' He says. 'What then? What is this?' I ask. 'You're jealous.' He says. 'What?!' I ask. 'You're jealous cause I got our daughter a horse and I didn't get you one.' Michael smirks. 'Oh my god! You're unbelievable!' I yell and storm out the kitchen. I head up the stairs and sit for a few minutes to calm down. I place a hand to my belly. 'You're alright. I'm sorry baby.' I whisper to my tummy. I take deep breaths. Mickey comes in to the room. 'Are you okay mom?' He asks. 'Yeah baby. I'm fine.' I say. Mickey sits beside me. 'You really are having a baby aren't you?' He asks. I nod. 'I wouldn't lie about something like that, even for a joke.' I say. 'Dad thinks you aren't and that you are being silly by joking that you are.' He says. 'Well let dad think what he wants but when I land a baby on him, he'll have to believe it.' I say. Mickey laughs. We then go back down and finish opening presents. Then the door goes off. I answer it to Michael's mom and my mom. I invite them in then Dionne and Ashton arrive with their kids. Ashton's mom, brother and sister soon arrive too. Lucy and Calum arrive quickly with their parents and their kids. Lucy rushes to me and hugs me. 'How's my baby?' She asks. 'Baby is okay.' I say. Lucy shoots Michael a glare. 'What?!' He asks, angrily. Everyone looks towards him. 'What is with the god damn glares?!' He asks, clearly pissed off. 'You are my problem.' Lucy growls. I place a hand on Lucy's arm to stop her. 'Lucy please. I just want to get through this day with no more fights.' I say. Lucy sighs but backs down. Everyone else is confused at what just happened except Dionne and Calum but Ashton and Luke finally figure it out. The day goes by smoothly. Thank god. The next day, Sally asks to go see her horse and Michael agrees. Me and Mickey get dressed in our winter clothes while Sally puts on her horse riding clothes. Mickey suddenly pulls me back into my bedroom. 'Not that.' He say. I look down at my clothes. 'Why?' I ask. He pulls a present out from behind his back. 'I'm wearing these jodhpurs at request of Sally you should too.' I change into the jodhpurs and show him. 'Perfect.' He says. I walks down stairs and double over in laughter. Michael in jodhpurs!!!!!! I begin crying with laughter. 'Mom! Don't hurt yourself!' Mickey says, urgently. I hug him for being concerned but straighten up. Michael has a seriously cute pout. 'If you weren't annoyed at me and I wasn't annoyed at you, I'd kiss you.' I say. Michael's face falls. 'Kids. Take daddy's keys and go wait in the car.' Sally takes the keys. 'Jingly!' She squeals. 'And so you don't do something to the car, I'll take them.' Mickey says. Once the kids are outside, Michael turns to me. 'Is everyone alright?' I ask. 'No but I want everything to be.' He says. I gasp. Mike walks over to me, taking my hands. 'I love you, I do. It's just...' He pauses. 'Just what, Michael?' I ask. 'We've drifted.' He says. I just stand in silence. 'I'm sorry this has happened but you know it has.' I nod softly. 'I do still love you.' Mike says. I nod again. 'Do you still love me?' He asks. I stare at our hands for a few seconds, then his face. I notice something in Michael's eyes. It almost looks like fear. 'I do.' I say, shakily. 'Are you sure? You don't sound sure.' He points out. 'I do love you Michael I do.' I say, looking him in the eyes. He grins at me. 'Look up.' He says. I do as Mike says and look up. Mistletoe. I giggle softly and Mike kisses me. We kiss for a few minutes before he swipes his tongue over my bottom lip. I pull back and gently shove him back. 'The kids are in the car, Clifford.' I smirk. We then go to see Sally's horse. Michael shows her the horse and she grins. She and Mickey play with the horse for awhile. 'You don't know how tight these pants are.' Michael whispers in my ear. I smirk and turn to him. I gently place my hand just above his polyester clad crotch. 'Baby, don't tease me.' He whines. I lower my hand a little and fondle him just a tad. His head flies back but flies forward again when Mickey appears. 'What about Mom's present dad?' He asks. 'Right. Of course. Wait here babies.' He says. 'I'm not leaving our children unattended with a horse.' I say. 'Ugh. Mom go! I've got Sally.' Mickey says. 'Please be safe.' I say Mick runs back to his sister. Michael takes me out the stable and into the one next door. We walk over to a stall with a chestnut horse in it. 'Wow! She's so pretty.' I say. 'Isn't she?' Mike asks. 'Yeah.' 'She's yours.' He says. 'What?' I ask. 'I bought her.' I gasp and hug him tightly. 'You are the best husband ever!' I say. 'You are the best wife ever.' Michael says. We bond with the horse. 'Wait, what's her name?' I ask. 'Well she's doesn't really have one. People just called her baby or baby girl.' I swing my arms around her neck. 'Starlight.' I smile. Michael kisses my neck. I lean back into Mike. He keeps kissing my neck. 'Mike. The kids.' I say. 'The kids are fine. They don't know where we are.' He says. 'Mike.' I groan. 'The stall next door is empty. We've never done it in a stable before.' I get too engrossed in Michael, that I pull him into the next stall and make love. Lucy is gonna kill me...

Hey guys! If you guys are interested in Twilight, the books or the movie, I'm started a new fanfic based on it. There's a new character who is in love with Jacob and the story has a bit of a twist in Breaking Dawn: Part one.

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