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Michael's P.O.V.

Sophie storms out the house. I can't help but be hurt by her words. It's been a month since we had that fight and split up. She was in the wrong yet she's still acting like it's my fault. I've missed her so much this past month, I've missed her laugh, her smile,her everything! I can't take being apart from her. Calum invited me over for a Movie Day with everyone and I was happy she was coming but now I'm really hurt by what she said. I don't know what to do. I sigh. 'Sorry mate!' Calum says. I just shrug. We watch movies all day till around 7pm when there's a knock on the door. Lucy gets up and answers it. I hear her whispering with someone before her and Sophie walk in. Everyone turns to them. 'I've got something to tell you's!' Sophie says. Lucy eyes lock to Calum's, who's were already on her. 'It's kinda big and I wasn't sure when to tell you but you's should know.' I look at her rather scared to be honest. 'Well....I....Look....Um....Damn it....Calum! Lucy....well Lucy....Um Luce....' Lucy looks to the stuttering Sophie beside her. Sophie's eyes lock onto mine. I gasp quietly. She instantly calms down. I smile slightly. 'Lucy's pregnant!' Sophie says. Everyone's faces fall. Calum slowly gets up and walks to Lucy. As he reaches her, Lucy lifts her shirt, revealing writing on her stomach. 'Surprise Daddy!' is written in black pen. Dionne giggles and hides her face in Luke's shoulder. Calum picks Lucy up spinning her round. Dionne continues giggling into Luke's shoulder. I laugh slightly. Those two are so adorable. I sometimes think Ashton feels bad cos Calum and Lucy are together,Dionne and Luke are together and me and Sophie were together. I never expected us to be apart this long! I'm feel so empty without her. I just wish she was on my lap right now, cuddling into me. My thoughts are interrupted by that sweet voice. 'Mikey?' I shake my head back to reality. 'Yeah?' I ask, voice shaky. 'Can' Sophie asks. I nod, standing up and following her out the room. We end up in the backyard. She stands with her back to me. 'I'm sorry.' She says. 'Huh?' I ask, confused. She turns to me, her eyes full of tears and lips trembling. 'I'm sorry! I'm sorry I over-reacted. I'm sorry I made a big deal out of nothing. This past month has been HELL without you. I can't take it. I was wrong! The only reason why I said that was because I was mad at the fact that Lucy was pregnant! Yes, I've known for a month. I was the first she told, I don't know why but IM SORRY!' Sophie let's everything pore out. I pull her into my arms, holding tightly. She breaks down in my arms. I lift her up into my arms. She cries holding tightly to me. 'I love you!' I say. 'I love you too!' She says. I drop onto my knees holding her close for god knows how long!

Lucy's P.O.V.

Calum and I are talking and laughing about the baby when Ashton pops up. 'Hey Mikey and Sophie have been gone awhile.' He says, smirking. 'ASHTON THEY'RE OUTSIDE!!!!' Dionne screams at him. 'Ears!' Luke says. 'Sorry baby!' Dionne says, kissing his cheek. 'I'll go see where they are.' I say. Cal goes on and leans over the back of the couch. I go to the back door and look out. Michael is on his knees, Sophie in his arms both crying. I sneak back to the living room. 'Guys, come look.' I say. We all sneak to the back door and watch the pair. Everyone aw's . I watch as Michael stands up, carefully. 'Go,go,go!' I say to everyone and we dash back to the living room. A few seconds later, the pair walk in holding hands. 'So you's are back together?' Dionne asks. Sophie nods, hiding her face in Michael's shoulder. I giggle at the pair. 'And nothing's gonna pull us apart!' Mikey says. Sophie giggles. Finally everything's back to normal! Now we need to get Ashton a girl and we all good!

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