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*Jade's p.o.v*

As I get out the taxi I can't help but wonder back to the man and his friends. He seemed familiar but nothing rings a bell but the blonde hair one does. I shake my head from the thoughts. I don't know those man they are just some biker gang probably.

Once I open my door to my apartment that Harry gave me after hisdisappearance. I stop in my tracks sensing someone has been in my home. I hear something come from my bedroom. It was faint but I heard it. I don't know how but I think that little drip of Harry's blood heightened my sense alittle.

I slowly make my way to the couch making sure the intruder doesn't hear me. I slide my hand underneth the couch feeling my swords. The sword was covered with a purple shield but the handle gold but my favorite was the blade.

I creep up to my bedroom door hearing the stranger speaking another language. I slam the door open but the intruder has his hand wrapped around my throat with my back against the wall.

"Awwww look at little Jade trying to fight. You are quite fascinating up close. So how did it feel kicking my drunken friends ass. Yeah he was to drunk and horny to know it was you. We work for Vincent. Remember him? He remembers you. Yes with that curly haired boy. What's his name." He keeps his grip around my neck and I tighten my hold on the sword. "Oh yes Harry. Vlad and Mila's son."

He smiles at me with a sinister grin." Aww look you have a sword. Trying to be a big girl. Or woman cause you have changed over the two years we've been looking for you. Mmmmm if it wasn't for Vincent. I would ravish you." He takes my sword and throws in the far corner.

"Now lets have some fun." He throws me to the floor. Walking over me to get my sword as I try to get oxygen in my lungs. He trys to take the sword out but it doesn't budge. "Hmmmm you laced it to only know your touch. Impressive. Your smarter than I thought."

He drops it again and walks over to me. "Let us see if you can fight without a little tiny sword." I grimace smile at the statement. "Lets." Hr gives me a weird look which wipes off his  face when I tackle him. I lift my hand and a blade I had in my sleeve reviles itself. I slash his cheek. He hisses from pain.

I lean down to his ear. "Silver." He takes a sharp breathe from just one word. "Your a new born. Well lets make this quick." He reacts quickly pushing me off causing a cut to appear on my arm.

He sniffs the air and looks directly at my arm. The heal slowly stops bleeding and he has a look of horror. "No." And just like that he disappears leaving a confused me standing in my bedroom.

I turn my attention back at my arm wiping the blood off the cut realizing there is no cut. I don't think nothing of it. Maybe Harry's little drip help but why did Vincent's man freak.

I groan of annoyance. It has been two years since I last heard or seen of him and I have forgotten but now. My brain is like Harry this. Harry that. He isn't in my life anymore so why should I care.

I walk back to my front door seeing its already been closed and locked. I look around the room to see if anyone is here but nothing.

I sigh and walk to my room. Sleep is what i need to get away from reality. If I don't I'm going to hurt someone. I change into my sleeping clothes but just to stop to see two pieces of paper on my bed. One is right where Vincent's man was.

"I finally found you my dear. And we will be meeting real soon. Til then Miss Jade.
Vincent." I cringe from the note. I can hear his voice even after meeting him once. I place it in my drawer for evidence.

The other note is by my window that I just realize is now open. I grab the other note and my eyes widen. "It was lovely seeing you tonight Jade. You changed so much but you will always be My Jade. We will meet again just don't give up on me.
Yours truly -H"

My breathe hitches he was here. The ink is still fresh. I snap out of it when I hear a roar come from under my window. I run to it opening it to be hit with the chilly air. I look down to see the same man from the bar on a motorcycle. He looks up at me with a smirk and rides off.

It can't be. I watch as he leaves until I can't see him any more. Was that. Harry. Does he know Vincent man was here?

Get a grip Jade that can't be him. He doesn't look like the type to ride something like that. Besides I didn't see a spot of curls any where. I have a stocker. Perfect. I will deal with that later. Right now. Sleep.

Reignited with the Son of Dracula (sequel to Harry: Son of Dracula)Where stories live. Discover now