Tell me

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This is the painting i was talking about. I saw a picture someone made of Harry of the between us behind the scenes video and I loved it so much I painted it. So yeah enjoy the chapter because Double Update.
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I walk into my apartment with Harry close by. I throw my keys and purse on the table by the door. I turn and watch him close the door fliping the lock.

He walks towards me just watching me. I motion my hand to sit and he follows. Before I can sit down he starts explaining.

"I know your mad and I know a slap won't ease you but just please hear me out. That day when we first saw Vincent was the same day I almost lost you. And during that time you were asleep I was scared that you were going to get hurt again. So I sat in my room thinking since my dad wouldn't let me out of his site...that I didn't want you to get hurt anymore. The safest thing I thought was to leave your life till Vincent stopped lurking.

The day you woked up. The day I left you. Was the hardest day of my immortal life. I wouldn't go out to eat. I would only sit in your room looking at everything. I made Niall, Liam, Louis, and Zayn watch after you. And each day got worse.

You wouldn't eat. You would cry. And everytime the boys had to report to me. They would hide away from me so they didn't have to tell me.

But then one day you decided to change your life and go on. Once I heard that I thought it was time that I did too. You came to the castle after a month recovery from starting life again. I just didn't want you to see me like that.That first year the boys would watch over you while I builded up my strength again. Then the second year of being apart. I bought that motorcycle and began watching over you myself.

I didn't start writing letters till a week ago because I couldn't stay away. I had to see you. When your friend pointed me out at the bar I couldn't help but smile. Then I saw you almost get attacked by that guy. I was going to go help but the boys held me back. Before I knew it the guy was on the ground. I couldn't help the pride I felt knowing you did that.

That night I left the note I smelled an other scent. It wasn't yours. But a few days ago I saw you at work trying to fight sleep. You turned your attention outside and saw me. When we made eye contact I felt at peace again. But then the scent from before hit me.

I called the boys to meet me. It turned out to be Vincent's man. He told me he left a message and I snapped. I ripped him apart but also that night I had to make sure you were okay.

I climb into bed with you. Just to hold you. You relaxed and slept fine. I didn't want you to be mad to see me out of no where laying beside you. Then tonight I sensed Vincent was here. I was in the club but then I heard you scream. And here we are." He waves his hands to show where we are.

He put his arms down turning his attention back to me. "What did Vincent's man do when you found him?" I sighed and leaned back on the couch. "He had his hand around my throat and throw my sword away. When he let go of me. I cut him with some sliver. He got mad and cut me.

He was about to charge at me but stopped when he saw my cut heal. He said no before he left and thats it." I looked back up see Harry fuming. "I'm glad I killed that basturd." I roll my eyes at him and he catches it.

"What?" I shake my head getting up to get some water. "Jade?" I slam my palm down on the counter and turn to  him. I pick up a sword that was under the table to show him. "You see this. I have these scattered around the house. Blade made of sliver but tinted black. I could handle myself. I did for two years." I throw the sword on the table.

"Then you show up thinking you can ptotect me. Maybe you did tonight but that other was luck. You prick. You claim you care but you left. Yes I remember every word you said. Jade remember I'm doing this to protect you. I care for you more than you think. Just understand. "

I turn my attention back to him and he just watches me with guilt laced eyes. "Two years Harry." My voice cracks at the end make him flash towards me. He wraps his arms around my waist pulling me close. "I understood Harry but I felt alone. I felt like you left without a clear meaning." He runs his hands through my hair causing me to erupt in goosebumps.

"Tell me one reason why I should not kill you." He stops and pulls back to look at me. He looks between my eyes pressing his hand on my cheek.

"The real reason is easy to say. Easy to see. I admitted it before but I'm scared to tell you at this moment feeling it isn't the right time. I also know you feel the same way. But that reason goes along with me caring about you. Me trying to protect you."

I turn my attention back to the counter. My back to him. "Tell me." He walks up behind me placing his around me. "What I say is true and is as clear as the sky. You can ask everyone else who has stuck by and they will say the words that will explain my reasoning."

He takes a deep breathe and tightens his grip. The words that leave his lips make my his eyes widen. Causes me to turn around to look at him. His eyes show he is worried about what's about to come. "I love you."


I hear the angels shouting in the high heavens. Finally!

Guys the next chapter is up to you. Should she tell him how she feels or make him work for it. Make your decision and if you want leave your reason.

Till next time. Vote. Comment. And stay beautiful.

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