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The raging roar of people running towards each other surrounds. Teeth being shown as a threat to those before them. Some smile of joy ready to rip apart those around them. They crave to feel the blood drip from their hands. The taste to fill their mouths. To feel...the rush...to feel alive.

There runs the King with his Queen by his side. His sword coated with ash and blood of those who lost their lives to his hands. The ones who fell in front of his feet as if it was a finally bow. Their backs pressed against each other just to know their there along each other side.

He can hear her roars and the cutting of her sword in the air. Pride filled him. Pride that a woman like her was standing by his side even if this was their end.

She can hear him groan of power that send a chill down her spine but not one that she feared. One that stood for courage. The corner of her eye he seemed to glide across the area as if he was born for battle.

The boys and the others create a mini circle around them. Like a protective burier. But it didn't last long since the couole joined their friends to protect one another.

"I rather die by your side than any where else on this field." Whispered Peaches and Louis to their closest friends. Each with a smile as their eyes lock on the person in front of them.

The little drift of rain hits the face of the man who ask for it all. Angrier covers his once smugged face. His lip twitches due to the last of his people dying so easily. He sees the head of rightful servant layed right before him as it slowly evaporates into the howeling wind.

His rage raged on as he locks his eyes on the one he wants to drain the blood from. Watch his eyes fall out of life. His attention turns to the girl beside him. That stupid immortal girl. Pity. All her doing. Her. His new target.

He appears behind the powerless girl taking her in. Couraging his angrier. The red tiped hair girl just on the left of Jade turns with wide eyes. "Jade look-." Vincent cuts the air with his claws making the girl fall to her knees as the blood slowly falls from her neck. " Sirius!"

Vincent turns to the blonde kneeling down against the girl taking her into his arms. He smiles at his sorrow and the life slowly leaving the flithy girl. His attention turns back as he feels his flesh burn from a gash on his arm. "Niall take her to Mila. You can save her. Go now." He hears the order from the human in front of him.

He grips her neck as the boy leaves with that thing of a girl. He pushes her up against a tree that took her away from the King.

A smug smile appears on his lips as he takes in her stuggling breathe. Her faint breathe showing into the air. "I must say...you have become more confident and determined into this world." He slowly digs his nails into her tanned neck. "I mean you did just stabbed me...once again and I haven't even gotten my revenge for that." His grip tightens lifting her up into the air.

His finger trails to the pulsing vein along her neck. He stops with a look in her eyes. Then he notice her smell is different. That's when he takes her in. Her eyes shine brighter. Hair healthier that frames her round face. Skin as if it was caramel cream. The spot where his finger lays upon the feels different.

"He has tasted your blood." He whispers with shock laced in his voice. "He has finally tasted his Queen and you have not turned even after you have been intimate." He widens his eyes as he takes in the truth. His denial still shakes upon. She is the long lost rightful Queen. That only means the man who she is with is the rightful King.

He throws her away from him standing there waiting for a thump and a cry of pain. But nothing came. He harshly spins to be met by the one person he wants his hands on. The man son.

He takes in the boy once again seeing the changes in him. His body more strong. More muscle. His hair falls to his back. Eyes a more green as if he has drunken blood. But it wasn't because of her blood but of them finally connected. Each of information causes his denial to increase second by second.

I should be king. I am king. This is my land. I was here first and I will take it back. "You." He growels as he sends a glare at Harry. "You will die in my hands. Along with that girl." He looks to her to him keeping eye contact. "You will do no such thing." He smiles at the boys comment as he watches his eyes turn a pitch black and his fangs touching his lips.

"Not over my dead body." He smiles at the boy even more. "We will have to see about that."

Both disappear into a blur before everyones eyes. Nails against sword. Roars against growels. The slashing of cloth being cut off of their bodies. Blood spilling from the open wounds that soon close.

They fight as everyone slowly fade into blurs of fur and shadows. Harry feels angrier of his father being gone to soon and Vincent angered for he thinks he is right to be crowned. He will stop at nothing. For he knows he has a trick up his sleeve.

They stop in the center with their chest rising and falling. Deadly glared are sent to each other. "Give up son. Your father did." Harry's eye twitches from the statement making him show more of his teeth. "Surrender for your people and give the crown to me."

"Nevet I will die protecting my people. Like my father. I will protect until people like you are gone." A snarl comes the man not agreeing with the boy. "I am! The rightful king! I don't give a shit if you and that pity immortal are the rightful ones. You won't have the strength to protect. Not after she takes her last breathe."

He zaps to Jade with a raise of his claws. As time has stopped everything moves in slow motion. The hand slowly goes down as Harry speeds to his love. As she turns after beheading one of Vincent's man she realizes he is behind once again. She did not hear him come for her. Her eyes look to his hand making her take hold of her sword tightly raising it.

But as in the last moment his hand slashes against flesh. The smell of blood lingers in the wind. His hand lowers to his side as the blood drips from the silver on his claws. He meets other eyes instead of the chocolate brown. A cry from those against him scream the one's name.

He leaves as everyone stops to look at the fallen one. Heavy breathing feels the chilly air. Arms circle around the body of the fallen. A groan of pain passes the lips. They push the hair out of the persons eyes. The person laying with blood escaping his veins. His green eyes slowly flutter close as he looks at the teared eye of his life.

He lays upon her arms. The rain slowly seems to stop touching his face. Numb and broken. The son of Dracula has fallen.


*Heavly Gasps*
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Reignited with the Son of Dracula (sequel to Harry: Son of Dracula)Where stories live. Discover now