Day off

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*Jade's p.o.v*

This afternoon I woked up with ease. I haven't slept like that since the night after the bar. I felt relaxed and happy. I didn't have those nightmares but this dream was more relaxing and peaceful. It felt like he was actually there. But I know in reality he was just as far away from me.

At the moment I'm pouring my sixth bowl of cereal and waiting for my pizza to cool down. "Introducing tac-o's. Its meat, chesse and lettuce o's in a tortilla bowl." I walk to the fridge and grab the milk. "It even makes the milk taste like tac-o's." I pour the milk and walk to the living room putting the milk back. "That's not even a word."

I sit down looking at the menu of Love Actually. This movie brings a smile to my face. I hit play and watch as people run and hug each other and kiss. Then Hugh Grants voice comes on saying one of the most warm feeling monologues ever.

"Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world, I think about the arrivals gate at Heathrow Airport. General opinion’s starting to make out that we live in a world of hatred and greed, but I don’t see that. It seems to me that love is everywhere. Often it’s not particularly dignified or newsworthy, but it’s always there – fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends. When the planes hit the Twin Towers, as far as I know, none of the phone calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge – they were all messages of love. If you look for it, I’ve got a sneaky feeling you’ll find that love actually is all around."

Everytime man. My heart and soul lives to this monologue. I lean my head back thinking about it. "Love actually is all around." I get up and look outside. Watching people interact. Many are on their phones with a smile on their face. Little kids running around laughing. The old folks playing poker outside. A sight to live by.

I hear something come from my room so I grab a kitchen knife and slowly walk up. I slowly open the door and look around. I put my arms down taking a double take around the room. My eyes catch a piece of paper on my pillow. I pick it up and read it.

"There are different ways to say I love you.
'Put your seatbelt on.'
'Are you okay?'
'Get some rest.'
'Watch your step.'
And many more you just have to listen. But never forget the one I spoke two years ago. I'm just trying to protect you. Just Remember. I'm always there even when your looking. I'm there.
And I care for you more than you think.
-Love H."

I place the note down after reading it. He was here. In my room. And that 'I'm always there even when your looking'. After two years he pops up now leaving me little notes. Thinking its okay. I swear if he was here right now and I had a pen. I would stab him with it. If he was still in that castle.

I remember after I was done crying around I would go to see him. The castle was still there but he wasn't. Everything was still there but not him. I didn't go to my room. I just couldn't. I still have the note he left on his bedroom door.

"Jade I'm sorry for what I did but I just need you to understand it was to protect you. I don't know when we will ever see each other again but remember I care for you. More than you think.
- Yours truly Harry"

I groan from feeling a headache starting up. I need a drink and let loose. Time to third wheel again but at this moment I could give two fucks.


"Yes for the first time you call us up to go to a club. And we took vacation from work. Thank god he has answered my prays. He has woken you up." Peaches grabs my face and kisses my forehead. She throws my head out of her hands which causes me to loose balance in my seat.

I hold on to my drink and shake my head when I get back my posture. Mario sends me a apologize look. "She had a drink before we left." I nod my head while she moves alittle to the beat of the music.

"Babe lets dance." She starts pulling him away before she can leave he turns and makes sure that I was fine being alone. I nod and wave them off ordering an other drink. I was about to pull out money to pay for it but the bartender stops me.

"Its already been paid for by that man over there." She points in the direction behind me and fear rises in me. He smiles and raises his glass taking a sip. I turn back around and tell her thanks getting up to leave. Not taking that poisoned drink.

I turn back to see him telling some of his man something causing them to nod. Their attention goes to me as he disappears with a blink of an eye. I need to get out of here.

I pull out my phone to call a cab. I really need to get a car with all the money I've spent on taxi fair. I could have a car by now. I have a dagger up my sleeve just in case. Sliver and all.

Before I can press my phone to my ear. I hear someone come out side . They stop and I feel their gaze on me. Watching me like I'm their pray. Then after a second the feeling is gone.

I turn and slice my dagger in the air feeling a burst of air hit me along with ashes. I hear growels surrounding me knowing tonight is going to be eventful. And tonight I'm not going home with another scar.


Yes guys I put the adventures of one direction in the story. I had to. Its my favorite.

Also I tried finding a audio with Hugh Grant saying those lines but they only had the music so I added the actually movie intro. So watch it if you want.

I was going to update tomorrow buy why not now.

Also August 29 is me and Dcruz15 will be 18. Yes we share a bitrthday with Liam Payne and Michael Jackson and our cousin. I will be Legal to have Harry styles or Arron Johnson.

Vote. Comment. All that and stay beautiful.

Till next time.

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