New Me

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There is music on the side of the part where they dance. If you see three that's my bad because I can't work this crap on my phone but you guys will recognize it along with his saying. Okay enjoy.
*Jade's p.o.v*

After Vlad left I couldn't get shake the shock out of my body. I just sat there looking at the door. I was Harry's soulmate. He is now King. As I Queen. Was I ready for this? Did he say we changed.

"Jade? My love. Calm down. It's okay." I slowly turn my head to look at him. He changed some. His hair darker. His eye's brighter. His shirt seems to fit without leaving any fabric to move. Just there holding and showing his build.

"Everything will be alright." He approaches me taking a hold of my face. I feel electric tingles go through me. Thet feel warm and comforting making me close my eyes. As I open mine Harry's are closed to feeling the little feeling.

He sighs while slowly opening his eyes. He runs his thumb against my cheek. "You look so different but you still My Jade I saw in those woods." I smile at his statement and he seems to be in awe at me. "I want to see." He wraps his arms around me and flashes to the bathroom.

He turns me so we both face the mirror. I gasp at my reflection. My hair looks healthy. My curls look like one of those old fashioned dolls from long ago. Or the little girl from Interview with the Vampire. My brown eyes seems darker but alive. My skin has no flaw.

I look to Harry and I see him taking hisself in. He makes eye contact with me as I look at him. We look as we were a painting. Seeming so unreal in the eye's of life but beautiful as we were gods.

"Jade. I know you weren't expecting this but neither was I. Just know I love you and I will always be by your side. We can get through this together." I turn around to look at him. His arms hold me close to him as he takes me in. "So beautiful."

I run my hands through his hair making his eyes close. "You feel it too. That little spark every time we touch. It's so comfortable. It's amazing." He whispers to me his mouth is partly open. "Yes." He opens his eyes to look at me hearing the awe in my voice.

He gently places his lips to mine. Sending those electronic sparks running through my body. I hear him groan running his hands to my hips. He pulls back looking at me. "You feel so soft. I can feel every particle of your skin. My touch is inhanced it just feels better holding you." I pulls me closer. "Kissing you." He takes my lips  running his hands up my shirt. "Feeling you."

He takes off my shirt as I do the same to his. Lifting me up on the counter moving between my legs. "Tell me what you feel." He whispers along my neck placing soft gently pecks along it. "It feels so unreal. I feel everything fiber of your being. Your hair feels softer. Your body feels stronger. Your kiss." I moan from feeling him suck onto my skin. He stops to lick the sore spot nipping up to my ear. "What about it?"

I grip onto him harder hearing his voice going deeper, more rasp. "Feels like it's a dream. Like cloud nine. Your touch feels so good. Your skin pressed to mine." He groans against me breathing heavy. "Don't finish that. I know. God. I know."

I feel every emotion right now coursing through his body. Love.  Want. Lust. "Harry." He moves from my neck to face me. I just look at him forgetting what I was going to say. His eye's are darker and his hands move to my ass bring me closer.

All you hear is our heavy breathing and we haven't even done anything. "Say it." I just look at him with a questioning look. "Say my name again." He whispers upon my lips. Not touching just brushing them. "Harry." His grip tightens as his eyes close. "Your voice sounds so good saying my name."

A knock sounds at the door causing Harry to groan. I laugh at him shaking my head. I jump down grabbing my shirt. "Come on." I walk pass him and gasp as he smacks my butt. I turn around buy he isn't there. I feel arms wrap around me. "This isn't over. I want know how inhanced we have become. I want to feel All of you." I nudge his out the way. "Horny basturd."

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