The beginning

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*3rd p.o.v.*

Today is the day where those gather to help along their empire and those who fight against. Today will spill blood into the land. The air will be filled with screams of vengeance, honour, agony, sorrow and the last breathe of many. Today is the rise of the clashing of two different beliefs. A new power asks to be released and worshipped. Today is the beginning. The beginning of a war.

There stands the King and Queen looking over the hill where they knew will hold the lives of those who will fight. Our King, Harry, takes ahold of his beloved Jade's hand with a gently hold. His thumb brushes against the ring that tells him she will love him until the end. He feels a soft squeeze making him look to her with bright green eyes.

She looks to him with courage, love and pride. A smile spreads to her face as she takes ahold of his cheek. The flutter of her heart makes way to his eyes due to him leaning into her touch. He wraps his free hand to her waist making her press against him.

He knows through all those emotions holds worry but confidence. She might not say it but he knows it. "Don't worry for today my love. Nothing will happen. I know you can't help it...but I have you by my side. Giving me the courage to make things right for our kingdom." He takes ahold of her hand pressing a kiss to their engagement ring touching. "This." He holds their hands higher to show her their connected hands. "This is the symbol of our love and the courage we hold. I will always love you. And even if I die today. At least I know I felt loved once in my life."

Their lips connect for a heart felt kiss. A gentle kiss that spoke of many words. No lust but love. Even though today may not be these lovers last. They still hold onto each other like this is their last. They pull back as the look at each other with smiles that barley reach their faces. They both know what that kiss meant. It was their last. Their good-bye.

"Sire." The royals turn their eyes to their fellow people. There everyone stands with nothing but armor coating their skin. Swords that hold silver along their sides. The swirl of the dragon upon their sides. Their posture holds determine and loyalty.

"We will fight along your sides...for we are forever greatful. To be standing along our long lost founded queen and king. We will fight for you. We will make history our land. And many years we will hear of great power and love and loyalty filling the air. And when that day comes we know we lived in victory." The yell of everyone surrounds the area making the tips of the trees move.

Their eyes scan the crowd finding those who have lived by their side. Niall blue eyes glimer with hope and a smile upon his face as he holds Sirius hand. Her face glows of love. Not only for the man by her side but the love her kingdom. Liam fist is held high in the air cheering loudly with his pack and his mate, Sophia. Louis makes eye contact with Harry placing a fist to his heart taking it with a bow that Harry returns. Zayn stands with a smile of pride. "If I die tomorrow or however long until that man falls. I will die with pride. No regrets. I have lived a long life. Maybe my time has come but if I survive I will tell the story of you and Jade. Spreading the love and loyalty you both my King. I will be forever greatful." The words ring through Harry's head as he remembers the words from his brother from days ago.
Jade makes eye contact with the two people she met two years ago. They hold each other in arms smiling ear to ear. She returns it knowing they will always be by her side cheering her on.

The cheerinng stops as a thundering roar booms the air. Harry snaps his head in the direction using his vision to look closer. There he is. The basturd himself but he is circled around his minions. His face holds a sinister smile knowing the child is watching. He lifts his arms as the sky darkens all around. The ground sounds with heavy steps as each corner of the forest reviles more and more of the evil that will break or make this land.

He looks back to her with a nod of his head and a nod from hers they turn to friends and family. "Today you will fight. You will fight for freedom from the evil that wants to take your lives. Today you will live in victory. But if today is your last...we will celebrate your life as you are still alive. Because we are a kingdom...and you hold a place in history and our hearts." His voice surrounds the field turning sideways making eye contact with Vincent.

Everyone draws their swords making the clash of the blades from being released. He points his sword towards the man with angry in his eyes. "You will die in this land and I will avenge my father. Our history and story won't end here. Not today. Not Ever!" His voice howels through everyones ears.

Vincent holds a smile turning around looking at his minions. A laugh rips through his throat. "You say I will die by your sword that belonged to your father. And that you will live in history." A soft but deadly chuckle holds the quiet air as the smile slowly turns to a deepened frown. "Please my boy it will be you who will die...and I will live with Power. I will Be Known. And I will make sure you won't be heard of in history. Not when I'm around.

Since no one knew who you were until... she came along." He points a long finger towards Jade's direction. "And I will make sure you die that way for many centuries to come." He smiles showing his teeth. Harry hisses to him taking a step forward. He tilts his head to the side mouthing a soft 'now'.

And this is where it started. The start of the last blood war against good and evil. The roars of all circling around the field. This is the start of new history. This is the beginning.


Hey guys updated. The chapters will be in third person point of view to give it more of that tension stuff. I hope you like it.

How excited are you about the new album about to come out. I am. I need my job to call me for training so I can get paid and buy it myself.

Anyways. Vote. Comment. Stay beautiful and weird. Till next time.

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