I told her

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*Harry's p.o.v*

I wait on top of the building next to Jade's apartment. Watching it burn to the ground while they try to put the fire out. No one got hurt and I'm glad. I can't put anything on top of the guilt I already have.

I look down at Jade sleeping across my lap. She looks so beautiful. No sign of sadness or rage on her face. I took all the glass out of her hair which took foreverdue to her curls.  She had small cuts on her hands but the closed afterwards. I need to know what Vincent meant. Why everyone seems frighten that I gave her a drop of blood. I need my father to give me answers.

I still hear the words she spoke to me. I knew it was bond to happen. It's either now or never. I have alot to make up for but at least she is giving me a chance.

"Harry." I look to the side of me to see the boys walking up to us. I gently pick up Jade to carry her in my arms. I see them look to the apartment with wide eyes.

"What happened?" Liam asked looking down at Jade in my arms. "Vincent." All their heads snapped towards me. "Not now I explain along the way." 

I walk pass them jumping off the building landing lightly. Jade moves alittle but never opens her eyes. I kiss her hair smelling her. Her scent I missed around the castle.

I hear the boys are behind me walking  to the car. I slowly walk up making sure not to drop her things. "I take her put her stuff in the trunk." I hand her to Niall while throwing the stuff in the back.

I walk to the passenger seat while Jade is sleeping in the back with her body leaning on the window. Niall, Louis and Zayn sit in the seat in front of her while Liam takes the wheel.

He pulls out and we drive to the castle. "What happened?" Louis asks making sure he didn't wake Jade. "Don't worry she isn't going to wake up so easily. She hasn't slept for a while." He nods his head and I turn my attention to the road.

"I smelled Vincent somewhere close by and followed it. But once I got to the source it was gone but I heard Jade scream. I had to find her to make sure she was okay. Turns out Vincent sent his man after her.

Don't worry their long gone. We fought them. Turns out Jade has tricks up her sleeve. That reminds me what ever you do. Don't touch her bag. She put all her weapons in there and they are made from sliver." I see their eyes widen from the info.

"I know not to piss her off then." Zayn whispers with fear and humor. "Any ways I drove her home and followed her in. I explained why I left. I asked about the man that was in her room before to see if he hurt her. She said he cut her but soon left when he saw her arm close up. And I think also he saw something in her blood. And...."

I stop for a minute for no complete reason. I just did. "And?" Liam says dragging out the word. "I told her." They snapped their heads to me with wide eyes. "What did she say?" They all say in unison.

"She didn't say anything but do I blame her. I come back after two years. I know she loves me but I'm not going to force her. I will make up for everything no matter how long." I tell them with determine laced in my voice. I feel a hand on my shoulder turning to see Niall. "Our Harry is finally growing up."

We chuckle at his statement but it soon dies down." Alright back to the situation at hand. Vincent showed up out of the blue. He said he has been watching me for a while along with Jade. He had his hand around her throat talking about he knows a drop of my blood is in her.

He asked me if I knew what the meant. When I didn't say anything he said he won't kill her yet until I ask my father. He said he will leave a little message but before he could Jade stabbed his arm." I hear them take deep breathes him.

"Yeah. Before he left he said he had another message. This is war." Liam lost control of the car alittle but soon put his focus back. "He declared war." I nod and look to Liam. "We need to call my father and many others. We need to do it now."

He nods making his eyes glaze over. "I contacted some people I met long ago who knew Vincent. They will fight for revenge not for us but for them." I nod not caring if they are or aren't fighting for me. I just have to protect Jade.

It's quiet until I hear Niall ask the one question. "So before Vincent showed up what did you and Jade do?" I roll my eyes and straightened my posture. "Nothing." I calmly state.

Flashes of her pressed to me with her lips against mine went through my mind. Her arms around me pulling me closer. Hearing her moan. Tasting her skin on my tongue. Her lips along my jaw. Her flushed cheeks with her lips swollen red with heavy breathes passing through. When she rubbed up against me.

I shudder from remembering the feeling like it happened again. "Yeah right that hicky between your jawline and ear says other wise." I hear them snicker. "Had fun." Liam laughed.

I groweled and lowered myself. "Awww look Harry is embarrassed." I hear movement and look behind me to see Jade about to wake. Without thinking I flash to her putting her body in between my legs so she can lean on me.

Her eyes flutter open and I kiss her hair. "Hi love." She looks at me and gives me a tired smile. I wrap my arms around her pulling her close. She leans up and kisses my lips. I sigh from the contact and close my eyes.

She pulls back and looks around due to the boys snickering. Her eyes widen when she sees the boys looking at us with big grins and rubbing their faces from me flashing towards her. They wave at us turning their attention back to the road.

I sigh from everything that happened tonight. Buy I finally have her in my arms after those years. But I have a feelinh this is going to be a long ride back. Hopefully no more events happen. Because I don't know if I can keep my anger in.

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I had to throw in a little happy moment for the boys. Need to put something happy even if it was just for a few moments.

Also Happy Birthday to Liam Payne finally 22.

Also Happy Birthday to me and my sis Dcruz15 now we are 18. Finally adults.  Also another happy birthday to our cousin who is 23 and Michael Jackson.

Anyways. Vote. Comment. And stay beautiful.

Till next time.

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