Chapter 2

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In English

Brittany's POV

I know it's my first day and all but English is so boring. Mr Howard keeps talking a bunch of bullcrap on why Shakespeare is one of the best something of something in the year of something.

I'm trying to concentrate but I just keep zoning out and thinking about Tania and Renae and what Sam said. My thoughts were interrupted when all of a sudden Mr Howard called me up to the front of the class.

"Brittany someone is here to talk to you." He says. I look out at the door and see Renae standing there.

I walk over to her a little bit pissed. "What do you want?" I ask a bit aggressively.

"Okay, I get it. You're mad. I'm sorry Tania can be kinda-" "a bitch" I say cutting her off.

"I guess you could say that. But she has a reason to be. She's not just a some popular pretty girl she has a story, one that keeps her from becoming close to anyone. The only people she has really opened up to is Me, Evan, Sophie and Nigel. I guess you would've heard people talking about us by now." She explains.

"Uh yeah." I reply. "Why are you guys you know 'friends' so to speak. I mean you all have very different personalities from what I gather." I ask looking at Renae keeping an eye out for any body language that could give me a clue on why their group is so 'closed off'.

"I guess we grew up together. We know each other well enough to understand each other's feelings." "What's that supposed to mean." I ask.

"Doesn't matter. Anyway I heard your hanging out with trouty after school." She asks referring to Sam while giving me a scared look.

"Yeah. So?" "You do know he's Tania's cousin right?" She asks.

"Seriously?" I reply confused. "Yeah and words spread quickly round this place and I know for a fact that Tania is not happy."

"So? She doesn't have a right to be mad with me. She was the one who was a bitch." I raise my voice a little.

"You can't hold Tania to what she said to you at lunch. She didn't mean it." She tries to say reassuringly but I'm not convinced.

"Look. I have known Tania for a while now and I can tell that she sees something in you." She says.

"Wow. Sure seems like it!" I say with a sarcastic tone.

"Well whatever. I have to go but don't say I didn't warn you. S-Tania has had too many losses in her life and if she opens up to you be careful on how you react." She says walking away.

What the hell?! Open up to me about what? Okay this is just weird. There are so many unanswered questions floating in my mind right now I don't know what one to try and find the answer to first. Should I go out with Sam after school? I guess I haven't really got much to lose at the moment. I'm pretty sure Tania hates me anyway, it's not even like we're friends. Sure she's hot but she has no influence or control over what I do. It's decided I'm going to go with Sam after class.

School bell rings---

I begin to make my way to the car park when I receive a text from an unknown number.

???-Hey. Meet me at the bottom of the stairs.

I have no idea who the text could've been from. The only people I have my number to was Renae and Sam. I'm assuming it's Sam so I make my way to the main stair case.

As I become closer and closer I see someone standing at the bottom. To my surprise it isn't Sam. It's a beautiful girl with long dark hair, a leather jacket and knee high boots. I know it's Tania but I try to ignore her and wait at the bottom of the stairs hoping that Sam was the one that sent me the text.

After a few minutes I decide to ring the number. All of a sudden I hear Tania's phone ring.

I know this is a short chapter but I'm posting the next chapter within the next hour so stay tuned.

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