Chapter 6

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Santana's POV:

Holy shit! This feels amazing. Sure Iv kissed a lot of girls before and some of them really knew how to kiss but this is different. I actually feel a spark. I'v been waiting for this moment since I first saw her.

I place my hands around her waist as hers are around my neck. The kiss is filled with so much passion, so much love and hunger. I feel her tongue graze across my bottom lip asking for entrance.

I suddenly snap back to reality. I can't have people seeing me- the badass of the 5, making out with the newbie. I'v never dated anyone from school let alone made out with them.

I quickly pull away from the kiss to meet Brittany's eyes. I notice they are filled with sadness. "I'm so sorry." She mumbles before running away.

I wanted to run after her but my feet were glued to the ground. Being without her touch made me crave her. I couldn't breathe. I slid down the wall beside me feeling as though I was sinking in a pool of quick sand.

Brittany's POV:

Shit! What did I do. I promised myself I wouldn't fall for her. But I have. I thought I could stay away but I couldn't.

What she said about caring about me, it opened up another side of her. She let her guard down for a brief moment. And that's when I felt it. My heart skipped a beat.

I just looked down at her soft plump lips and went for it.

It felt amazing. So amazing I thought she would've felt something too. But when she pulled away, I felt so embarrassed.

She obviously doesn't want me. I should've stayed away. She's playing with my heart and I just can't take it anymore. She other has me or she doesn't.

I finally gave her what she wanted and she chose not to take it. I'm such an idiot.

Here I am sitting on the roof top crying my eyes out over someone who probably doesn't even care.

I say probably because deep down, in my heart, I have hope that she will come for me. Hoping that we can be together.

I just want to feel her body pressed against mine. I just want her to hold me in my arms. I just want her forever.

Santana POV:

I'v been sitting here starring into space for 20 minutes. I haven't even bothered going to class, I do live with the principle so I don't really care.

No ones even bothered approaching me, they're all shit scared that I'll beat them if I make eye contact with them.

I don't even know if she wants to see me. Is she mad at me for pulling away? Did she make a mistake kissing me? I'm so fucking confused. But all I know is that I have to see her.


I'v been looking round everywhere for Britt and I'm starting to give up. Maybe she's gone home or something.

That's it! This is the last place I'm looking so I hope she's there.

I make my way up the stairs. Flash backs swoop through my memory from when me and Brittany went up here to talk for the first time.

She was just so stubborn that day. I laugh to myself. I was so close to having her. But now I might have completely lost her. My smile began to fade as the thoughts flew through my head.

"Britt? I know you're here!" I yell my voice cracking at the thought of her not wanting to see me.

Suddenly her golden locks come into vision. "Britt! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." I say sincerely.

"My name is Brittany." She stubbornly says. As she begins to stand up and leave I grab her arm.

"I don't care. Everyone else may call you that but I call you Britt because your mine and I give all my things special nicknames." I say panically trying to sound cute but it's all coming out so wrong.

"Well believe it or not, Tania. I am not a toy." She's not even looking at me at the moment. Hearing her call me Tania breaks my heart. I want her to know the real me. But I know that will never happen. She doesn't even want to know the fake me yet.

"But I do care about, you. Before we uhmm kissed, those things I said about you, it's how I really feel." I try to grab her waist but she escapes my grip.

"Yeah, I know you've felt a lot of things with a lot of girls. I'm sure there's plenty more blonde girls waiting downstairs begging for your attention. Do me a favour and stay away from me!" She yells.

Next day-Thursday

Brittany's POV:

I really didn't want to go to school today. I couldn't bare seeing Tania. I can't be sure what her intentions are with me. If she really wants me she's going to have to prove herself.

I tried to fake being sick but Mrs Sim insisted I go, she said my parents "have spent to much money for you to waste it on being sick."

So here I am sitting in Chemistry burying my head in my text book trying to avoid Tania or any of the five for that matter.

"Alright, so for this project you're going to need to partner up." Said Mr Ray.

Shit! I'm new so I have no friends at the moment. I frantically try to find a partner but everyone is taken. Even the guy with the bed hair and boogerey nose has a partner.

Few! Someone caught my eyes so I quickly race over to them. She turns around and we lock eyes.

"Alright Brittany, Tania, looks like you two are a pair."

"No we aren-" "Yes sir that's right." Tania cuts me off wrapping her arm round my waist. "Seriously. Fuck you." I snarl.

"Hey babe relax, we can pass this assignment with flying colours. After all we do have a lot of chemistry." She winks.

"Lay off." I shrug her off. "Who are you texting?" She says trying to be nosey.

"None of your fucking business." I nearly shout but contain myself. Then I think. This will be fun. I find Sam's number and begin to text him.

"Come on babe. Don't be so touchy." She says before trying to slide her hand down to my thigh.

"Woah, woah, woah! What the fuck?! Why are you texting Sam!" She yells.

"I just wanted to confirm the date on Friday." I smirk before she grabs my hand and pulls me outside.


"I though I told you to stay away from him." She says just above a whisper.

"You don't have a say in who I can and can't date." I argue back. "Yes I can. I know some very powerful people." What the heck is she on about? Is this part of her and the other 4?

"Oh really. Like who?" "Doesn't matter." She says quickly backing off.

"Do what you want. Breadstix is a cheap date anyway." She tries to insult.

I new it. I new she didn't care. If she did, she wouldn't be giving up on me that easy.

"Oh really? Like you could do any better!!!" I yell full of rage, hurt and disappointment.

"You just wait Pierce!"

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