Chapter 11

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I hope you like it. Also I want to thank brittsanbritt and readwritelove_ for helping me out with these next few chapters. I'm posting 2 tonight and the chapter 13 in the next 48 hours. I know you guys have been waiting a while so Thank you and enjoy!

Brittany's Pov.

I stretch my arm out to bring Tania close to me  but all I can feel is the cold sheets beneath me. "Tanny!" I yell with my raspy voice but it comes out in more of a whisper. I turn to my bedside table to reach for some water. I think I'm feeling better, I don't have a headache and my fevers gone. I decide to go into the living room to see where Tania is.

"Of course." I smirk as I turn the corner. There's Tania asleep on the couch with the TV running in the background. "Hey." I stroke her cheek before kissing it gently. She slowly stirs until her eyes open. "Hey you." She smiles and pulls me into a hug. "How are you feeling." She asks.

"I'm a million times better." I giggle. "And you know what that means." I ask her. She pulls me closer and kisses my neck softly. "No not that." I laugh gently pushing her away. She pouts "And why is that?"

"How about we go to the football teams party tonight?" I suggest eagerly. Her expression changes straight away. "No. You wanna know why?" She asks but doesn't give me a chance to answer. "Sam, Sam is on the football team."

I really want to go to this party. It's my first American party and I want to have a good time. I'd do anything to go. "Please, please, please." I squeeze her tight. "It's gonna be my first party and I won't even talk to Sam! I only have eyes for you." I wink before pecking her lips. "Come on please Tan, I'll make it up to you." I take her hand and place it down to my rear. I can see a smile begin to form in the corner of her mouth. "Fine. But I'm not going to talk to anyone."

"Thank you thank you thank you!" I scream. I'm so excited I pull her into a deep kiss. "Well I'm gonna go get ready." I yell running into my bedroom.


Tania's in my room helping me pick out what to wear. There's just been something ticking in the back of my mind though, I have to let it out.

"Tan?" I put down my clothes. I don't really know how to approach the question but I'm just gonna let it out. "Why did you call Renae Q?" There it goes I'v said it. No going back now.

"Um, w-what do you mean?" She shuffles around in her chair I know she's hiding something, I can feel it. "I'v heard you say it a few times actually." She is my friend and I think I have the right to know. "I thought we were friends you know? I thought friends don't keep secrets."

"Gosh Brittany would you just leave it! If someone doesn't want to tell you something, it's for a reason! Why can't you get that through your thick mind!" She is reminding me of the old her right now and I don't like it at all. "Fuck it! Don't worry about showing at the party!" I scream as I slam the door.


I'm really sad that Tania's acting like this but she's not going to ruin my first American party. If she won't take me I'll get someone else to. Someone who would make her wildly jealous. And I know just the guy.

Hey Sam mind picking me up before the party -Britt xx

I'm a bit nervousness I have to admit, I don't really have an interest in Sam, this is just for Tania.

Yeah sure be there soon. Oh and don't bring money for drinks I'v got them covered ;) -Sam


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