Chapter 3

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Santana's POV

I got Brittany's number off Renae. Ever since I saw her strut into school this morning I immediately felt something about her. I usually try and keep my distance from everyone except for the other 4. But her, I felt like I already new her. I wanted to know more but I couldn't just 'let her in' I have a reputation to uphold. When Dave (Evan) tossed that slushy in her face I was immediately felt the need to protect her.

Ughhh all these feelings. Normally I would see a hot chick seduce her, bang her and leave. Sure I feel the need to be close to Brittany sexually but I also have the need to get to know her better as a person. I want her to be mine but I have to be smart about this.

When she came over at lunch I was jumping for joy inside. Obviously I couldn't do anything about my excitement on the outside everyone thinks I'm sort of a badass. When she talked to me she was so sweet. I'm not used to anyone talking to me or caring about me or anything so I guess when she took an interest in me I freaked out a bit. I didn't mean to scare her and sound like a bitch.

When she left I hated myself, I hated the fact that I caused her pain. As soon as she left I went to my car and drove home. Well not my real home but I guess it's as good a home I'm gonna get.

Let me explain. When I was younger, my Mom and Dad were killed by the SGA (secret government agency). I was an orphan. My parents had no siblings (that I knew of at the time) and neither did I. Fortunately for me Tony Rendolph took me under his wing. He raised me along with the other 4 Quinn (Renae) Mike (Nigel) Rachel (Sophie) and Dave (Evan).

We have to use these names to keep our identity safe just in case something goes wrong. We did this by giving ourselves names with letters starting with the letter that is after our real name in the alphabet. Eg. My name is Tania because T is after S in the alphabet. Same with Quinn, R is after Q therefore Renae ect.

Tony Rendolph is the schools principle and also the head of the spy service my parents were a part of. The spy service look for evidence of  illegal activity from the national government.

Turns out my parents were pretty close to finding out the truth about what was happening behind closed doors, but the government were onto them and killed them before the has the chance to investigate further.

The other 4 are all orphans as well their parents were other killed or went MIA. We all grew up together and are not allowed to speak about any of our pasts. We're all pretty damaged but when times get tough for us we help each other get through it.

I was finally starting to adjust to my life when I found out that I did have an uncle. SAMS dad! He worked for the government and he was the one who killed my parents. Sam knows about all of us but can't tell his dad because if he does, Tony will kill him. And because Sam can't tell his dad or anyone about us 5 he tries to take everything away from me.

First it was my place in the Cheerios. He tried to get Sue to kick me off by telling her that I'v gained 10 pounds. Then he tried to make it look like my grades were slipping and now he's trying to take Brittany away from me. He won't win though. I'm not going to let him take Brittany away.

I guess people find us mysterious because we don't really talk about our family or anything about our lives outside of school. They know we have a connection to the principle and that we live in the biggest house in the city. They also know we live together but they don't know why. We don't tell anyone in fear that our secret could get out and the government would come after us because of our knowledge.

But right now that is the last thing on my mind. All I can think about is Brittany. Her golden locks, the bounce in her step and her beautiful ocean blue eyes.

I had a plan. I wanted to apologise for my actions. I wanted to get to know her better and in a way her get to know me so she knows me more than just the girl that was a bitch to her on her first day.

I wanted her to meet me by the stairs. I was gonna make it up to her some how. Okay I didn't actually have a plan. I was just gonna let the moment take us.

Where was I....Shit she's calling me.


I turn around and lock my eyes with hers. "Hi" is all I manage to get out.

"What do you want. I'm actually meant to be with Sam right now." She replies angrily. Okay maybe she's still pissed at me.

I knew she couldn't stay mad at me forever. "He won't mind. Come on please just give me 10 minutes of your time." I smile. "I promise it will be worth it." I add resting my hand on her shoulder.

"Fine." She replies bluntly shaking my hand off her shoulder.

I begin to walk up the stairs.

Okay is this story bad, am I going to fast? Is this story to confusing. I'm gonna try and update more regularly please like share and comment thanks xxx I think it will get less confusing as it goes on.

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