Chapter 10

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(Quinn's Pov)

"You two will be late for school you know." I tell from the kitchen. Ugh I hate to say it, but they are actually cute together. They're both cuddled up on the couch watching re-runs of Sans favourite show. "Well I'll leave you two! See you at school. Or not!" I laugh and walk out the door.


(Brittany's Pov)

"I can't believe they don't have this at home." I'm laughing so hard my stomach hurts. "You do. This is you home now." Tania smirks and burries her face in my neck.

"Are you sure you're allowed to stay at home with me?" I don't want her to miss school just for me. I'm fine, even though I get a bit of a headache now and then.

"Oh yeah. Tony lives here, he takes care of us. I told him this morning." She explains rubbing my arm in comfort. "Why? Where are your parents?" I see her stiffen and her eyes fill with tears. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. You don't have to tell me." I pull her into a tight hug and don't let go. I just rub her back and give her time.

"No, no it's fine." She pauses. "My parents are dead, all of ours are." "Hey it's okay. I'm here." I kiss her forehead a stroke her hair. I'm not going to try and squeeze all the information out of her. I'll just let her tell me when she's ready.

She pulls away and gets up. "Hey, where are you going? I'm cold." I yell as she walks into the kitchen. "Britt, it's Summer and like nearly 100 degrees in here." She calls back.

"Anyways take your antibiotics. How's your head?" She asks handing me a glass of water after sitting down on my lap. "It's alright, haven't really had any headaches in a while." I lie. "That's good." She smiles.

"Since I feel better, does that mean we can go do something today." I grin. "I don't know Britt." "Please Tan!" "Am I really that boring." She says. "No, I just t-" "If you're really feeling better, I know something that we can do."

She crawls towards me and I lay down. She straddles me and begins to kiss up my neck. Gosh, it feels so good. I could really get used to this. All of a sudden my head starts pounding and I wince.

She quickly jumps off me. "Are you okay? Did I do something?" She is so worried. "Tan, it's okay. I'm fine." I pull her head towards me and lock our lips together. Her hands run down my sides and down to my thighs.

I begin to feel nauseous. I quickly push her off me and run to the bathroom. Tania runs after me and sees me puke. She bends over and hold my hair back from my face. "You could've just told me you weren't feeling well."

I grab my toothbrush and start brushing my teeth. "I wanted to, I jus-I couldn't resist you." I try to excuse myself. She grabs my arm. "Go to bed and rest."


(Santana's Pov) 

Now that Brittany is asleep I have to plan something special. I know that she feels helpless not being able to do anything. It wasn't really the way I would chose to have my first date with Brittany, but the circumstances have changed and I can't wait any longer. I have to ask her to be my girlfriend soon.

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