Chapter 8

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I'm walking into chemistry to see Tania sitting texting on her phone. She not even doing anything out of the ordinary but I still find her cute.

I take my seat on the stool beside her and take out my books. "Hey beautiful." She says fluttering her eyelids.

I want to forgive her so bad. I mean she didn't even do anything wrong, I was just over reacting. But I don't want her to think she can just walk all over me.

She's so god damn hot I start to stumble on my words. "H-hey! Uhm hello, hey." I try to act casual but it's not going so we'll .

"Get my note?" She asks. "Mhmm yeah totally." "Cool so I'll see you at 8?"

I'm really nervous I start to feel light headed. "Britt. Are you okay?" I don't want her to worry so I just try to brush off the the feeling of the heat wave that just passed through my body.

Then I start to feel queazy. "Be right back." I sprint out the door and straight to the bathroom.

Santana's Pov

It's been nearly 20 minutes since Brittany has been gone and I'm getting worried. I storm out the door and begin roaming the halls for Britt.


It's now been 45 minutes and I can't find her anywhere. I get out my iPhone and text the 4 and Tony to keep an eye out for Brittany.

5 minutes later my phone begins to buzz and .I answer it as quickly as possible. It was Quinn.

"San she's here. In the car park." I can hear worry in her voice. I don't even bother replying. I bolt out the front doors and to the car park.

I can see a few people hanging around and I immediately fill with rage. They all clear out of my way making room for me to enter the middle.

I see Quinn holding Brittany limp in her arms trying to get her to wake up. I immediately move Quinn and take Brittany in my own arms.

"Quinn call 911." I order. "Britt, it's okay. Everything is going to be okay." I whisper to her stroking the blonde hair from her face.


"Tania?" I hear a groggy voice mumble. "Hey you." I smile knowing she will be okay. "What happened?"

"I'll let the doc explain that." I turn to doctor Jones giving her the nod to explain.

Brittany's Pov

"We'll Miss Pierce, nothing too serious. You have a mild concussion since you fainted and hit your head. This was because you have suffered from a flu that can be caused by climate change."
"Wow um okay." Is all I could get out.

"It's fine. You're from England right?" I nod. "Well the temperature can vary from here and there which your body is not used to."

"Okay is that all?" I add. "Hold on Britt. They found bites on your skin when they were assessing you." I start freaking out.

I feel Tania's hand grab mine. "Hey nothing to worry about." She softly says stroking her thumb over my hand.

"Yes. I'm afraid the house you were staying at has a bed bug infestation. We have informed Mrs Sim and you will have to relocate to another place around town." Mrs Jones added.

I honestly want to scream. Could this experience get any worse. Seriously. "She can stay with me!" I hear Tania suggest firmly.

"I'm sorry Miss uh..." "Tania. Call me Tania." "I'm sorry Tania but I can not discharge Miss Pierce into your home without your guardian's consent."

I turn to thank Tania for the gesture even though I knew that it wasn't going to happen. "Excuse me." She says letting go of my hand.

"No!" I yell. I realise how stupid I sound when she looks at me waiting for an explanation to my outburst. "Please stay with me." I softly say.

"I'll be right back. I just need to make a quick call them I will stay as long as you want me to." She says leaning in to give me a quick kiss on my forehead.


Half an hour later Tania has fallen asleep with her head on my chest. I begin drifting off as a tall bald man walks through the door. I know I recognise his from somewhere but I can't quite put my finger on it.

I feel slightly uncomfortable and wake Tania up. "Yeah? What's wrong?" She says righting her grip around me.

"Oh hi Tony." She says looking up at the tall man. "We can go." He says in a deep but friendly voice.

"Let's go Britt." She says taking my hand in one hand and my antibiotics in the other.

A/n sorry it took so long to update I'll try and post more regularly. And no date this chapter something else popped up. The date will happen in the next 2-3 chapters. But she lives with Tania now! Will this mean that it will be harder to keep their secret?

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