Chapter 5: Stealing The Wand Attempt

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Malia's P.O.V.

The girls and I walked inside of Jay and Carlos' dorm. It was bigger than ours. Carlos was playing a video game on a T.V. and Jay was doing who knows what with little things.

"Jay." I said as I walked to him.

"What're you doing?" I asked.

"It's called stealing." he replied.

"Okay, what's the point?" I asked.

"Well, Malia, it's like buying whatever I want, except it's free." he said as he opened a laptop.

"Okay. So you can do that." I said as I grabbed a phone from his bed. "Or, you can leave all of this here and pick it up when we take over the world." Mal said.

"You sound just like your mom." Evie said.

"Agree." Hallie said.

"Thank you." me and Mal said.

"You do it your way and I'll do it mine." Jay said before walking off.

"Die, suckers!" Carlos said as he continued playing the game.

"Jay. Come check this thing out, man. Its awesome." Carlos said as he held out two sticks to Jay.

Jay took them and got on to where Carlos was previously standing before playing the game.

"Guys!" me and Mal said.

"Do we have to remind you what we're all here for?" she asked.

"Fairy Godmother." Jay said as he continued playing the game.

"Magic wand. Blah, blah, blah." he said, making Evie and Hallie laugh.

"This is our one chance to prove ourselves to our parents." Mal said, making everyone look at her as if she was crazy.

"To prove that we are evil, and vicious, and ruthless, and cruel." I said.

"Yeah?" Me and Mal asked.

"Yeah." everyone else said.

"Evie. Mirror me." Mal said as we all gathered around an Evie took out her magic mirror.

"Mirror, mirror, on the- in my hand, where does Fairy Godmother's wand stand?" she asked it.

The mirror showed us a fog before it showed the wand. "There it is." Hallie said.

"Zoom out." Carlos said.

"Magic mirror, not so close." Evie said.

The mirror then showed the entire earth.

"Closer." she said.

"Closer." she repeated.

"Closer." she said.

"Can I go back to my game? I'm on Level 3." Carlos said as he began to walk away.

"Stop!" Jay said.

"It's in a museum." I said.

"Do we know where that is?" Mal asked. Carlos began typing on the laptop.

"2.3 miles from here." Carlos said, showing us the screen.

Mal opened the door, me behind her. We looked and saw that the hallway was clear. Perfect timing.

"Come on." we both said. Me, Mal, Jay, Evie, and Hallie began running out.

"Carlos!" Hallie called out.

"Coming!" he said.

We ended up outside until we made it to the stairs. I must've walked a little to fast because I slipped and fell to the ground.

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