Chapter 11: You Love Me?

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A/N: So, since we've been having Malia's P.O.V. all the time, why don't we have a chapter with Hallie?

Hallie's P.O.V.

"So, what do you think of Auradon?" Shane asked me as we were walking around.

"It's nice. Everybody is nice. Well, some are." I told him. He smiled at me.

"You know, you are a really pretty girl with pretty eyes." he said. I blushed at his statement.

Wait. Why am I blushing? Oh, that's right. I like Shane. Oh, dang it.

I have feelings for the son of Snow White.

Just then, I saw Ben come to us.

"Hey, Ben. What's up?" Shane asked.

"We've got to go to the field. Coach wants to talk to us before the game." he explained.

"Okay." Shane said before he turned to me. "I'll see you soon, beautiful." he said before giving my hand a kiss.

"Bye." I told him before he left.

I began walking to my History class before I felt someone grab my arm and pull me into the girl's restroom. I looked and saw that it was no other than Audrey.

"What do you want?" I asked her.

"Listen. You better stay away from Shane. He is not what he seems like. He's just using you for a good image and to be popular. He doesn't really love you or like you. He will never like a villan's child." she told me.

I growled at her.

"You're lying. I know you are. I don't believe a word you're saying." I said with clenched fists. She scoffed.

"Believe it, sweetie. He's tried to do that with other girls."

"Really?" I asked her.

"Yes. He's tried to do that with Jane, Lonnie, me, and Rapunzel's daughter." she told me.

I slowly nodded my head. "Good girl."

And with that, she left. I just stood there with a lot of thoughts.

'Was Audrey right?'

'Was Shane just using me for popularity?'

I honestly did not know. I just sighed and walked to my History class.

*After History Class*

I walked out of the class and walked to my locker.

When I opened it, I saw a note fall out. Puzzled, I picked it up and unfolded it.

Meet me at the enchanted forest.

Hmmmm. Who wants to meet me at this enchanted forest?

I closed my locker and began running and running before I was outside Auradon Prep and on my way to the enchanted forest.

It was then I saw a familiar little fairy come to me.

"Tink!" I said with a smile.

"Come to the enchanted forest. Somebody wants to meet you." she explained.

I nodded and followed after her until she stopped.

When I got there, I gasped at the sight. The enchanted forest was beautiful. There were faires flying around, and it had everything I didn't expect for an enchanted forest to have. It was then I saw three figures flying. I immediately smiled.

"Hey Phoenix, Peter, and Tina" I said as the son of Peter Pan, daughter of Tinkerbell, and Peter Pan himself came down.

"Hey, Hallie." Phoenix said with a smile.

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