Chapter 9: Making The Love Spell

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Malia's P.O.V

Me and Jay walked into Mal and Evie's dorm. Jay was wearing his jeresy. Carlos whistled as I chuckled and shook my head.

I sat down on the floor in between Hallie and Carlos. I spotted a dog next to Carlos.

"Who's this?" I asked.

"His name is Dude. You can pet him." Carlos said. I lightly stroked the dog's head and he licked my hand, making me giggle.

"Did your plan work with Jane? Are you going over to see the wand?" Jay asked my sister.

"Do you think that I would be going through every single spell in this book if I hadn't completely struck out?" Mal asked.

"Well, someone's in a bad mood." Carlos said.

"Our Mom's counting on me and Malia. We can't let her down." Mal said before flicking his head.

"We can do this." Jay said, making all of us look at him.

"If we stick together." he said.

"And we won't go back until we do. Cause we're rotten..." she said.

"To the core." we all said.

"Oh yeah, I found out that Fairy Godmother blesses Ben with the wand at coronation and we all get to go." she said. Mal then looked at her.

"I have nothing to wear, of course." Evie said. Just then, a knock was at the door.

"What?" Evie asked.

"Hold that thought." Mal said before going to the door and opening it, revealing Ben.

"Hey, Mal." he said.

"I didn't see you guys today. I was just wondering if you had any questions or anything that...that you needed?" he asked.

"Not that I know of." Mal said as we all shook our heads.

"Okay. Alright. Well, uh, if you need anything, just, uh..." he said as he was gonna walk away.

I raised an eyebrow. 'Does Ben like my sister?' I thought to myself.

"Oh, wait." Mal said, making Ben stop and look at her.

"Um, is it true that we all get to go to your coronation?" Mal asked.

"Yeah, the whole school goes." Ben said.

"Wow, that it beyond exciting." Hallie said.

"Do you think that it's a possibility that the six of us could stand in the front row next to the Fairy Godmother just so we could soak up all that goodness?" my sister asked.

"I wish you could. Up front, it's just me, my folks, and my girlfriend." Ben said.

"And your girlfriend?" Mal asked. I could see a bit of a hurt look on her face.

I could tell she likes him.

"Okay, thanks. Bye!" Mal said as she began closing the door.

"Oh, but, no there's plenty of--" Ben's voice got cut off by the door completely closing.

"I think it's time that Bennyboo got himself a new girlfriend." Mal said.

I felt a smirk grow on my face as we all did.

"And I need a love spell." she said. She clapped her hands and gestured for Carlos to toss her her book. He did and she caught it.

"We can make cookies as a love spell." she said.

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