Chapter 17: The Plot

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Malia's P.O.V.

Jay and I have already started dating. Ever since we got together, I've felt more happy and more normal, surprisingly.

This was the first time I actually felt wanted. I've never felt wanted my whole life by my mother.

I can tell the same thing has happened with the rest of my friends and boyfriend.

I was in goodness class with the others. We were doing some homework, since we had nothing else to do.

Soon, Fairy Godmother walked to us.

"Children. Excuse me. As you all have heard, this Sunday is Family Day here at Auradon Prep. And, because your parents can't be here due to...uh..distance, we've arranged for a special treat." she explained.

I smiled as I began to warm up to the Headmistress.

She went to a TV and clicked on something.

"Kids." she called us as she gestured us to come.

We all stood up and we all got there. I ended up seeing mine and my friends' parents on screen there.

"Evie! It's Mommy. Oh, look how beautiful! Well, you know what they say, the poison apples don't fall far from the tree." Evil Queen said.

"Don't you mean the weeds?" Mom asked.

"Oh! Who's the old bat?!" Cruella shrieked with that annoying voice of hers.

"This is Fairy Godmother." Mal told her.

"Still doing tricks with eggplants?" Mom teased her.

"I turned a pumpkin into a beautiful carriage!" the Headmistress told her as she and the other parents were snickering.

"You really couldn't give Cinderella until 1:00 a.m., I mean, really? What? The hamsters had to be back on their little wheels?" Mom said as she fist bumped EQ and the others laughed.

"They were mice! They were not-they were mice. You can go now." she said.

"Thank you." Mal said before Fairy Godmother stepped aside.

"Hi, Mom!" my sister and I greeted.

"Girls!" she shouted, making me sigh in frustration.

"I m-m-miss you." she stuttered.

"You children are never far from our hearts." Jafar told us.

"Yes, indeed." Hook added.

"I got it." Mom told him. "How long must Mommy wait to see you?" she asked us.

"Oh, this big coronation coming up, maybe sometime after that." Mal explained.


"Friday. 10:00 a.m." I answered.

"You sure I can't see you before that? I don't know what I'll do if I don't get my hands on that magic wand-you! You little nuggets that I love so much." she claimed, making me roll my eyes as I knew she was absolutely lying.

She never loved us. I mean, I did care about her, but she didn't seem to care about us.

"Yes, we completely understand, Mother." Mal told her.

Just then, Cruella zoomed her creepy face in.

"Carlos! Is that a dog?!" she shrieked.

We all turned to the boy and Dude, who whimpered.

I felt sorry for the poor dog for having to see her. I reached over and scratched his head.

"Oh! Oh, yes baby, I know that it would make the perfect size for earmuffs!" she said, followed by her creepy laugh.

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