Totally Not The Jealous Type

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Prompt: "Can you write one where everyone is watching Owen performing surgery and praising him esp girls and Amelia being jealous! :p"

"Now Doctor Hunt is preparing to remove the javelin," April Kepner's voice rang over the intercom. pulling Amelia out of a daze. She loved watching surgery; neurosurgery that is. Trauma just felt like a doozy. But this was Owen, her boyfriend, and he was pulling a javelin out of a guy's abdomen. Yeah, a javelin.

Apparently the two friends had been playing in one's backyard when the other got too close to the javelin throw, causing it to become impaled in his abdomen. By some miracle that defied all medical laws, he was still breathing on the OR table.

"Doctor Hunt is going to remove the javelin and then-" April paused, looking over at Owen who was lining up four other doctors to remove the large spike. He mouthed some words that April repeated over the intercom. "And then we'll go from there."

Everyone in the gallery was sitting on the edge of their seats. Even Amelia had to admit, the suspense was thrilling. Interns watched, googly eyed, knowing they may never see something quite like this again. Amelia didn't even know if she had seen anything like it. Then again, if it wasn't sticking out of a brain, she often neglected to pay attention.

As the doctors pulled the javelin from the patient's abdomen, all seemed well. They removed it completely and his monitors remained calm. The gallery erupted into a thunderous applause causing Owen to look up and smile beneath his mask. His eyes locked with Amelia's who looked less than impressed. Owen wondered why she even bothered staying; trauma was not her favorite specialty. He was pulled from his thoughts by the violent beeping of a monitor.

"He's crashing!" Someone yelled from the OR. It was picked up on the intercom causing everyone in the gallery to gasp and inch closer to the glass separating them from the excitement.

Owen's mouth moved and his eyes darkened. He was barking commands at everyone in the OR; nurses, interns, residents and attendings. A few of the female interns sitting in front of a Amelia started whispering to one another, well within earshot.

"He is such a shark in the OR," Intern One whispered.

"I heard that he used to be in the army and still has PTSD episodes," Intern Two said, the middle of the three.

"No way! I heard he almost choked his ex-wife!" Intern Three leaned across Intern Two's lap so Intern One could hear.

"Seriously?" Intern One gasped.

"He's so hot though," Intern Two spoke from between.

"I know, look at him!" Intern One sighed.

"I can't believe he's not seeing anyone," Intern Three noted.

"You're kidding!" Intern One gasped again.

Amelia listened to their conversation and became more uncomfortable in her seat. She shuddered every time one of the interns referred to him as "hot" or "sexy" or even, in the words of Intern Three, "totally irresistible".

Amelia knew he was hot; she had seen him multiple times without clothes on. She still sometimes wondered if he was a figment of her imagination and if she touched him wrong he would dissipate into thin air. He was quite attractive, and that was nothing compared to the skills he had in the bedroom, or the on-call room, or her car, or her kitchen.

She never thought of herself as the jealous type, but she felt a twinge in her heart as the interns were fawning over Owen. She found herself in a low-key state of rage. Instead of focusing on the monumental surgery being performed below her, she was thinking about how she could humiliate these interns. Amelia knew she was acting immature and that Owen only had eyes for her, but she couldn't help it. Their relationship was just starting to flower and they hadn't told anyone they were serious. So it was only natural for the interns to want to screw him right? Like, look at the guy! His curly ginger hair and bright blue eyes made him a chick magnet, and Amelia had scored him.

"Excuse me," Amelia leaned down and tapped on the shoulder of Intern Two. She was a blonde with dark brown eyes that honed in on the should of anyone who dared look in them directly. Amelia already didn't like her.

"Hm?" The intern turned around, and noticing Amelia's dark blue attending scrubs, immediately became charming and polite. "Yes ma'am?"

"Yeah the three of you there, gawking over Doctor Hunt?" Amelia chuckled under her breath, her blue eyes becoming icy and cold. "I really don't appreciate you talking about my boyfriend like that in front of me. I can't control what you do behind closed doors but-"

"Wait... You're his girlfriend?!" Intern Three looked up to meet Amelia's dark eyes, turning away as soon as she caught a glance.

"And proud," Amelia smiled, though it was not a friendly smile. It was a smile of twisted and almost evil humor.

"No freaking way," Intern One laughed and turned back around to watch the surgery.

"Oh yeah freaking way. You know the sex we had last night? Completely explosive; possibly some of the best I've ever had," Intern Three snorted under her breath and began watching the OR again with Intern One.

"He's divorced," Intern Two's soul-sucking eyes met Amelia's and it was an immediate battle between the two.

"Yes he is. But when you're divorced you can see other people," A maniacal laugh escaped Amelia's lips.

"How do I know you're not lying?" The intern challenged Amelia despite her being the superior.

Amelia pulled down her scrub top revealing two matching hickies on either side of her chest. "I told you last night was explosive."

Intern Two made a smug and almost disgusted face. Amelia knew she had won.

"Oh and if either you or your silly little intern friends even so much as breathe in Owen's direction? I will end your medical career before it even starts." Amelia threatened as she readjusted her scrub top.

Intern Two let her demonic eyes drop and turned back to the front. Amelia heard incoherent whispers being exchanged between the three and knew that none of them would be challenging her role as "girlfriend." She also knew that by the end of the day the whole hospital would know she was screwing the hot trauma surgeon. The hospital might think she was a psychopath for threatening the new class of interns, but somewhere deep inside her enjoyed knowing that. Amelia made sure Owen was only hers, but she totally wasn't the jealous type.  

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