I Remember Everything

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Author's Note: Sorry this is so sad, but I just love the writing in this one.  If you're not in the mood for a sad heartbreaking fic, then I recommend checking something else out.  I have some other fluff in this collection.  Also, you can replace this really with any of your OTP's, you just have to change it around a little. Hugs & Scalpels, -G

I remember the first time we met. I was coming in from LA to see Derek and you were across the room. Something about you caught my eye. Maybe it was your pale skin against your white lab coat, or the way your eyes matched the dark blue of your scrubs. We never formally introduced, but the whole week I was there we played with looks. You would glance at me, and I over to you. Then bashfully, we'd smile at our shoes and look away. It was a dance, that I only played with you. I was told your name was Owen, and that you were the Chief of Surgery. I was also told that you were married, so I tried to forget you, but I never did - the mysterious man across the room in blue.

I remember the first time we talked. I was in the E.R. and a patient started screaming at me, calling me a druggie doctor. She wasn't wrong. You didn't know that, nobody did. It was the reason I had moved to Seattle in the first place. No one knew me here, except for Derek and Meredith. But they wouldn't say anything. But that one woman, that woman who knew nothing about addiction, called me out. That was when you ran over to diffuse the situation, part of your chiefly duties. I couldn't speak because I was so enamored to see you again - my mysterious man across the room in blue. After the situation was handled, you called me over on the side. I was certain you were going to fire me. It was well within your rights. Instead, you asked me to explain. You said you heard a distraught woman and not the whole story. I admired you for that and it struck me just how kind you were.

I remember the first time we fought. I wanted to pull a surgery that was nearly impossible. You told me no, that it could jeopardize a patient. That patient, was also a doctor. A brilliant doctor in fact. I was going to remove an unremovable tumor. We went back and forth, arguing against each other. It was never mean or violent, but a good and well thought out argument. I pulled out all the stops to convince you. As I spoke, the lines in your forehead were deep with consideration. You relented, and gave me a chance. A chance that changed my whole life. The mysterious man across the room in blue was putting his hospital at risk for a girl he barely knew. Something was there between us immediately, and I think you felt it too.

I remember the first time you kissed me. We were outside your trailer and I had just brought over some sparkling water. You asked me to come inside and drink it with you, but I wouldn't. I wished I had never gone over there in the first place. When I was around you, you gave me butterflies like pinpricks; a whole new sensation that I had never felt before. The mysterious man across the room in blue scared me. But you came out from your trailer and chased after me, telling me to stop walking. Then you declared you were going to kiss me. You did. It was like fireworks. All the built up tension was being released into that one kiss. It was the start of something brilliant and new, both of us were scared, but we were scared together.

I remember the first time you yelled at me. I was in the middle of the surgery I worked so hard to convince you on. I had resected all of the tumor and was implanting the radiation seeds to prevent it from ever coming back. I took off the protective gloves so I could better place the seeds. Then your voice cut through my thoughts over the intercom. You yelled my name, demanding that I put the damn gloves back on. I had to fight to disobey your voice, for every fiber of my being wanted to listen to it. In this moment, I wasn't your girl, I was a doctor. I barely made it with my safely exposed radiation time. The mysterious man across the room in blue was exasperated and slouching against the wall the next time I looked up in the gallery. He couldn't see, but I was smiling beneath my mask.

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