Share the Bed

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Author's Note: I've been getting os many requests to update this story along with my massive Omelia fanfic.  I have no clue when the update to Omelia will happen, but I can say that I have a few one shots to be posted.  For updates and complete coverage, check out my tumblr where I have an entire page dedicated to my fan fiction.  You do not have to have a tumblr account to read them!  Every time I write a new story, I update the fan fiction page (or try to).  Until next time, -G

She didn't know why she was at his apartment. She wished she did. Owen had left his jacket in the attendings lounge and Amelia knew he would want it back. She could've just left it there for him to find but something inside told her to bring it over. She was kind of curious about his new apartment anyway. So there she was, dripping from the rain at his front door. Should she knock? Should she go home? Should she open the door with the spare key that she knew he kept under the potted plant?

She decided, that since she had driven all the way there on a cold rainy Seattle night, that she would just knock. Would that really be the worst thing? It was cold and he would need his jacket for tomorrow. Amelia remembered it being his favorite one.

Three raps came from outside his door causing Owen to move from his place on the couch. He was enjoying a beer to himself and watching the rain torrent against the glass windows. The news occasionally popped up with a "thunderstorm warning" on his regular program forcing him to ask the question of "Who the hell was at his door in this kind of weather?"

He unlocked the deadbolt and turned the knob coming face to face with a wet brunette. She was clutching his jacket in her right hand, and in her left she held her bag of things. Clearly, she had just come from her shift at the hospital and was exhausted judging by the purple bags beginning to form under her eyes.

"You left this in the lounge, thought I'd run it over since this is on my way home," She didn't even start with a hello. Typical Amelia.

"You should've left it there. This rain is horrible. We both know that casualties go up in times like this. I'd hate for you to be one of them," Owen chuckled and took the jacket from her. He stepped to the side, inviting her in.

"Nice place you've got here," She looked around at the bachelor pad. It was surprisingly clean except for the occasional beer bottle on the side tables. She remembered from their time together that Owen was a neat freak.

"Thanks, do you want something to drink?" Owen offered, noting how she was absorbing the room.

"No, I've got to head out anyway. I promised Zola that I'd read her a bed time story," she jerked her finger towards the door but didn't make an effort to move. It was as if she was baiting him. Waiting for him to make a move.

Before he could say something suave, thunder clapped overhead and the rain came down in sideway sheets. Lightning flashed from behind the curtains and another wave of thunder rolled.

"No way you're driving in this," Owen started, catching Amelia's nervous expression as she pulled aside one of the curtains.

"Yeah it's pretty bad. I have all my stuff with me from the hospital. Do you mind if I just crash here tonight?" She set her bad down on the chair, not really asking. It was an unspoken thing between them that she was not leaving.

While their relationship was unclear, Amelia knew Owen wouldn't try anything. he wasn't that kind of guy. That was one of the facts she always admired about him; how caring and delicate he was with her. The only thing she asked for was one of his t-shirts to sleep in. It's comforting smell took her back to the days when they were inseparable. What happened to that? Well, it was a simple answer - she happened. Amelia had fallen to hard, too fast and gotten scared. As usual, she cut things off before she could actually let her self be happy. Why did everything have to be so complicated? Owen understood her, yet she couldn't let him in.

"You can have the bedroom. I'll take the couch," Owen said as he notice Amelia arranging the pillows to her liking.

"Nonsense! I'm the idiot who got stranded here. I'm not kicking you out of your own room," Amelia laughed at his typical gentlemanly attitude. It was charming, sure, but she had slept on her fair share of couches. One more wouldn't kill her.

"Amelia please, just take the bed," He didn't want to put up a fight, but there was no way he was letting her sleep on the couch.

"Fine. It's only one night. We'll share the bed!" Amelia declared, using her tone that meant she was not compromising or taking no for an answer. Owen remembered that well from their time together.

"Have it your way," He grabbed her around the waist instinctively, before pulling back remembering they weren't together anymore. With that one touch, she felt electricity course through her veins, wanting this to be more than it would be. She knew Owen would sleep on the very edge of the bed as not to touch her and imply something by mistake. If only she could just lay in his arms one more time.

They adjusted themselves and lay close together. Amelia swore she could feel his nose touching hers. As if at any second, he would reach over, grab her knee, and pull her on top of him only to kiss her. But that's not how it was anymore. Now, they were just two friends sharing a bed. Nothing else. Nothing more. Nothing.

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