Magic & Love

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It was a dreary and foggy night in Seattle; nothing out of the usual.  Nearing midnight, Amelia Shepherd pulled into the driveway of her sister-in-law's house.  She was exhausted and couldn't remember the last time she ate something, but first came first, she had to take a shower.  She had been doing a routine aneurysm clip when it ruptured, spitting blood all over her face.  It was her last surgery of the day so she didn't bother showering before she left.  She could cover that base at home.  Besides, her shower had way better water pressure than any at the hospital.  She reached a hadn't through her hair as she was unlocking end door.  Her fingers caught in a mass of dried blood.  Amelia could see through the windows that all the lights were turned out.  Meredith, Maggie, and the kids were probably sound asleep.  

She tiptoed up the stairs, being careful not to create any extra noise.  The last thing she wanted to do right now was explain to Zola why she was home late with blood on her face.  Actually, she didn't want to explain that to anyone right now.  As she reached the bathroom, Amelia shed her clothes and turned the shower on maximum.  Stepping in, she let the scalding water flow over her bare skin, tuning it a bright shade of pink.  It was the most relaxing, stress relieving, thing after a 28 hour shift.  

As she was turning off the water, Amelia heard a small knock coming from downstairs.  Unsure of who could possibly want something at a few after midnight, she wrapped a towel around her naked body and made way down the stairs.  She would probably reach the backdoor and open it, only to find a few kids giggling in the bushes nearby; their ding-dong-ditch was successful.  

"Owen!" Amelia exclaimed, surprised.  She was face to face with an equally shocked Owen.  In the back of her mind, she wished she had taken the time to at least throw on a bathrobe instead of just a towel.  

"Amelia,"  He looked her up and down, not realizing it.  After getting over how amazing her legs looked, he finally came to his gentlemanly senses.  "I can come back at another time."

"Owen, it's fine.  After all, you've seen me naked before," She kept a hand between her breasts to secure the towel, not that Owen would have a problem if it fell.

"Right, here are some more of Derek's files.  These have to do with his Alzheimer's trial.  He was really set on curing the disease but after hitting too many dead ends the trial got shut down.  Meredith was his constant motivation and she basically had to force Derek to end it.  Anyway, maybe you'll see something he missed," Owen held out an armful of manilla folders that Amelia carefully took under her arm.  

"Thanks," She set them down on the couch.  "You couldn't wait until tomorrow?"

"No, I was just going through some things in storage and came across these.  Thought you would want them, and I was on my way home anyway and Meredith's house is on the way," Owen shrugged it off and adjusted his coat, taking his cue to leave.  

"Owen, this is a good ten minutes out of your way to your apartment.  Not to mention that you have stopped by twice in two weeks to deliver some more of Derek's files that you somehow stumble upon.  I know that Derek kept all his files in the same place, organized to perfection.  There is no way they became scattered around the hospital and you're obviously only bringing me bits and pieces.  If you really just wanted me to have Derek's stuff you would've sent it home with Meredith or given them all to me at the hospital at the same time.  What is really going on here?" Amelia noticed her voice rising in volume and had to quiet herself.  It was after midnight.  

Owen stood in the doorway with a dumbfounded look on his face.  He had ended things with them almost a month ago and he still missed her ever day.  He tried to fill the void she left with things like alcohol and meaningless sex, but it always came back to her.  Back to Amelia.  Amelia Shepherd.  And now, she was standing in front of him wearing nothing but her bath towel.  He knew he was making up white lies about her brother as an excuse to see her, but he didn't think Amelia would pick up on it so fast.  Of course she would, she was brilliant.  How could he have thought this would work?

"You're using files and my dead brother as an excuse to see me," Amelia interrupted his thoughts.  She wasn't wrong.  "Why? You ended things! You! Over a month ago!  I choked down all my feelings and held them in because I thought you didn't want to see me anymore.  I thought we were really done, Owen! And now you show up at my door after midnight like some sort of medical Romeo?"

"I miss you! I miss you every damn day," He almost shouted, but remembered the children asleep upstairs.  Thank goodness they were heavy sleepers.

"You don't think that I miss you too? I didn't have a choice!  I got over it because you ended it,"  Amelia  wanted to talk with her hands but could not, for one was keeping her towel up and the other was holding Derek's files that were growing heavier by the minute.  

"I made a mistake!  I should never have ended things because you know what?  They never really ended between us!  Whenever I would pass you in the hall or accidentally touch your hand in the OR, I was reminded how much I missed you!" Owen took the files from her and placed them on the couch nearby.  He leaned in and wrapped his hands around her face, pulling her closer to him.  "I miss you and I don't want to anymore."

"Me neither," Amelia said before smashing her lips into his.  They collided in an escapade of fireworks and pent up sexual frustration.  The passion was unmatched just like every single time they kissed.  It was magic.  It was always magic.  It would always be magic.  

As the kiss got deeper Amelia pulled away, catching Owen a little by surprise.  

"I'm exhausted.  I just worked 28 hours straight," She started, as his hands rested in her wet brown curls.  "Do you want to come upstairs and just... I don't know... sleep?" 

"28 hours?! How are you still standing?!" Owen was taken aback.  

"I'm kind of amazing," Her nose brushed his, "sleep with me?" 

"That sounds lovely," Owen took her hand and they walked upstairs almost silently, not wanting to wake sisterly ears.  The night was sent with Amelia enveloped in Owen's big strong arms.  He enjoyed just breathing in the scent of her as Amelia enjoyed the feeling of his heartbeat against her back.  It was familiar and just what they both needed.  There didn't have to be sex in order for it to be love.  And that's exactly what it was. Magic and Love.  

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