Dead Bodies

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Prompt - "You've got to stop leaving dead bodies in my kitchen"

He was outside the trailer, putting away his fishing supplies. Derek had never taken him fishing, though he talked about it often. Owen thought Amelia would appreciate the gesture of fresh caught fish for dinner. He hoped it would help her remember her dead brother in a more positive way. Besides, what tasted better than pan fried river fish?

She had arrived home to find Owen outside organizing his hooks. Bending down, she placed a kiss on his pulse point, locating it almost magnetically. "Hey handsome."

"Hey beautiful," He leaned up and gave her a proper kiss on the mouth.

"You fish?" She tried to sound curious, though Owen could see the reminiscence on her face. She was thinking of Derek.

"I do now. Dinner is going to be awesome tonight!" He sounded almost too enthusiastic.

"I believe you," Amelia stepped through the door of the trailer, shutting it behind her. Owen watched her every move; his eyes on her backside. He shook his head with disbelief. How did he get so lucky?

He was just getting back to his organization when he heard a shrill and earsplitting scream come from inside the trailer. Immediately, he jumped from his post and rushed inside, prepared for whatever would come next. Would it be a murderer? Did Amelia break her leg? Did she accidentally cut her thumb on a knife in the sink?

"Amelia, what's wrong?" He spoke, his chest heaving up and down with the rush of adrenaline he just received.

"What is in my sink?" She asked, running over to Owen and burring her head in his chest.

Owen, not having a clue what she was talking about, slowly moved towards the sink. He didn't know what he was expecting; a huge spider, a rat, maybe some kind of strange mold. His eyes searched for anything strange, but the only thing he found in the sink were the bones of several fish.

"Amelia..." Owen chuckled under his breath. "They're fish bones."

"Owen! You scared me half to death," She slapped his chest, a little too hard to be playful.

"I'm sorry," his voice was genuine, "I didn't think you would get so scared over some dead fish."

"You cannot leave dead bodies in my sink," she said, her eyes stone cold. She was not kidding around and Owen found it hilarious.

"Amelia you see blood, bones, and bruises every day for a job. I didn't think you would get so freaked out over some fish guts," He laughed towards the end of his statement. Owen just couldn't keep it together. Amelia was a world renowned neurosurgeon, and yet she couldn't handle some dead fish.

"Just promise me that in the future, you'll stop leaving dead fish bodies in my kitchen," She pulled herself away from him, realizing she was still clutching to his tee shirt. "Or at least give me some warning first."

"I promise," Owen laughed, pulling her around so he could stare into her beautiful eyes. Leaning in and kissing her luscious lips, he realized just how big he had scored.  

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