The knife

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"Just like me." He laughed and I heard the signal light come on. Oh no what have I done?! I tried to look out the black windows, nothing, instead of it being tinted on the outside it was tinted on the inside. Why would they even make a car like that other then for when people where being kidnapped! I heard the sound of lose rocks underneath the cars wheels and felt us slowing down to a stop. Dad turned around as soon as we were stopped and started barking at us.

"You think that you won't hate him when you guys break up!? You think you'll be able to stand the sight of seeing him, with someone alts?!"

"Mom was never with anybody alts!" I yelled back moving up to the edge of my seat.

"But she could have been, a sweet woman like her she could have got a new husband in under a week!" He screamed looking straight at me.

"But she wouldn't she still loved you!!" I yelled not realizing what I had said. I saw dad loosen up, and look back at the road. I felt Gavin's hand on my shoulder and I slowly moved back into the seat. I heard the van start up and I thought dad was going to turn around and go back home! I was wrong.

"She loved me, then why would she leave me, nice try girly, you can't actually expect me to believe that." He mumbled turning onto the road and driving away. I sighed. Gavin pulled me in close and whispered in my ear.

"All we can do now is wait." He said, I looked up at him pulsed.

"Wait for what?" I asked quietly.

"For us to get where your dad is bringing us, and for us to escape!" He whispered back. The though sent shivers up my spin. How would we escape? I just nodded and put my head on his shoulder. After about an half an hour I finally fell asleep. I was startled awake by the sound of wheels squeaking and load voices screaming at each other. When I opened my eyes I saw dad jump out of the car, run to the backseat, where we were, and pull Gavin out of the car by his shirt! He thorough Gavin down on the ground then looking into my eyes, his eyes were cold, ice cold, blue eyes. Then he slammed the door so I couldn't see what was going on outside. I heard a dreadful cry.

"GAVIN!!!!" I yelled getting up and moving to the vans door. I pulled on it, I pulled and pulled and even tried pushing but nothing worked!

"He must have locked it from the outside." I whispered to myself. There was bolt proof glass that blocked us off with dad. I looked around urgently of something strong enough to break the glass, there was nothing. Then I realized that this vehicle was the exact same as when mom and dad where together. I bent down looked for a second the grabbed the knife that mom told me to put down there, instantly I remembered that day.

"Why do I need a knife?" I asked my mom questioningly.

"Because if there is ever a fire in this car you need a way out. The doors in the back are locked and if you where somewhere without me, I don't think your father would come back for you. Put it under your seat and if you ever need to break the glass, don't even have a second though just break it, I will always be here to protect you." Mom whispered, the memory vanished and I felt a tear running down my face. I whipped it off quickly when I heard Gavin yell,

"TALA HELP." It sounded like he was in a lot of pain.

"I'LL BE RIGHT THERE!!!" I scream then started to stab the glass with my knife. After about 10 times of hitting the glass it shattered. I squeezed through the small window and ended up sitting right on dad seat. My hand reached for the door handle as I heard another gasp of pain. I quickly opened the door then gasped myself......

__________________________ hehehehe cliff hanger ;) sorry I haven't updated in a while, ill update soon. I haven't had Internet in forever an can't get it at school because there's a flood in this little town and schools been canceled sense Monday (it's wendsday just so everyone knows) well thanks for reading.... Vote and comment <3 love u guys! Bye!!!!!

By: Shannon :)

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