Nothing to be afriad of

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Talas Pov

I can't believe this, this is so weird I rode in a truck with 2 famous people and didnt even know it!!!! I wanted to ask so many questions but couldn't seem to spit even 1 out! When I finally regained my ability to talk all I could say was,

"How did you two meet?" I felt so stupid especially for the look that Mark had just gave me. But Sally seemed to understand.

"We went to school together as kids and grow up as friends, it wasn't until high school that we got serous but sadly had to break up on our last year because we couldn't handle the long distance relationship. But when my acting carrier and his baseball carrier took off we ended up getting in touch by Ellen and we've been together ever sense." She said grabbing Marks hand and looking up at him with a loving smile.

"Wow, so you guy knew each other sense you were little!?" I asked amazed by her story.

"Yep, grade 8 we became friends." She smile.

"And Ellen reunited you guys! Wow she sure works wonders." I mumbled. I heard both Sally and Mark laugh. I had kind of forgot that Mark was even there. He didn't seem like the quite type and from what I saw in interviews he wasn't, this just must not be his expertise. We sat there in silents for what felt like forever until something dawned on me,

"So where were you guys going? And where were we?" I asked focusing on a little black dot on the floor.

"We were headed to Ohio, Mark has a baseball game there in a couple days, I got the week off so we were just visiting family in our home town." Sally said.

"And we found you on a side road. I'm not sure where exactly." Mark said entering the conversation. I nodded. We sat there in silents for a couple more minutes until a doctor in a white looking lab coat came over to us.

"Are you Gavin's family?" He asked standing over us looking down.

"Yes!" I said before Mark could argue other wise.

"Come with me." He said calmly. All of us got up at once and followed him down the hall until we came upon an elevator. He pressed the button and the doors instantly flew open. It was a quiet ride up to the 4th floor. The way that Sally and Mark were looking at each other really scared me. I heard a ding an we all proceeded out the door and down a long narrow hall. We stopped at a door and I could feel my heart beating.

"Gavin is in a coma, we have to keep him here tell he, wakes up." He said. I felt tears started to fill my eyes but I blinked them back, this can't be!! The doctor walked away and left Sally, Mark, and I standing there in shock. My heart finally took over my brain and I bolted into Gavin's room. Sally and Mark were close behind me but I had already gotten to the edge of his bed. Seeing him lay there unaware of what was going on around him made a tear come to my eye. "Be strong" I told myself. Mark came over to me and sat beside me,

"Where are his parents?" He asked placing a hand on my shoulder. I gasped.

"There still in our town, they're probably worried sick!" I said in a trance.

"You should call them. Tell them where we are." He suggested. I softly nodded.

"Sally can you come with me?" I asked.

"Of course." She smiled. We walked out of Gavin's room leaving him alone with Mark. My mind was racing but the only thing I could say was,

"Mark will make a great father someday." Sally suddenly stopped in the middle of the hall and looked at me with an surprised expression.

"You really think so?" She asked.

"Ya, why not?" I asked surprised she didn't believe me.

"Because people have just, oh never mind." She said and started to walk again. But I put a hand on her arm and stopped her.

"What?" I asked sympathetic. She sighed and took a step towards me.

"In all those magazines they've said that "he hates kids and doesn't want any of his own" and I know that they lie all the time but whenever I bring up kids he try's to change the subject." She said looking at the ground.

"He's probably just scared, scared he'll be a bad dad." I smiled. She looked up happily.

"You think?!" She chirped.

"Yes, yes I do." I said letting go of her arm. With that we started walking towards the elevator, I had completely forgot where we were going and why we were going there.

"I saw a telephone in the lobby." She said as we got into the elevator. That's when I broke down, luckily we were the only ones in the elevator and the door had already shut. I saw Sally hit the stop button on the elevator and came down sat down beside me on the floor. I was curled up in a small ball and had my hands over my eyes balling.

"Shhh, what's wrong?" She asked.

"What if Gavin's parents hate me for because of my dad!" I sobbed.

"Their not gonna hate you." She said.

"How do you know?!" I yelled. I heard Sally sigh and started to say,

"I thought that Marks parents would hate me when I came back into his life because at the end of grade 12 I broke his heart." She said sadly.

"And did they?" I asked sitting up, and wiping the tears out of my eyes.

"No, they welcomed me with arms wide open." She smiled. That made me start to feel a bit better about the situation. I stood up and Sally jumped up behind me. I hit to stop button again indication that it could go. We stood there in silents for a couple seconds tell the elevator came to a stop at the ground floor. The elevator door opened and we both walked out. We got to the lobby where we were sitting before the doctor came for us and we looked around for the phone.

"There it is." Sally smiled pointing at the front desk.

"I thought you meant a pay phone." I questioned. Sally shook her head.

"Nope, I meant a legit phone." She laughed. I smiled at the sound of her laugh, it was like nothing I had ever heard before. It wasn't loud and obnoxious, or quiet and soft, it was funny and sweet. We walked to the lady at the front desk and saw her smile as I asked if I could use the phone to call family.

"Of course." She said in what sounded like a British accent. I quickly picked up the phone and dialled Gavin's home phone number.

"Hello?!" A panic sounding woman answered.

"Hi Cindy? It's Tala." I was about to start to explain what happened when I heard a loud shriek!

"Oh my lord I'm so happy your ok!" She said sounding like she had a smile on her face (cuz u know people can tell your smiling over the phone löl).

"Ya I'm fine but, Gavin, well we're in the hospital. He has in a... Como" saying those words turned my stomach. I heard a gasp then her ask

"Where are you guys! We'll be down to see you!" She yelled.

"Umm we're at the hospital in, where are we again Sally?" I asked placing the phone to my chest.

"Thunderbay." She said.

"Thunderbay." I replied.

"Wow that's like on the other side of Ontario!" She said. "We'll get there as soon as we can. In the mean time take care of my baby?" I heard her say and could tell she was trying to hold back the tears.

"Of course." I smiled then we both hung up.

"So how'd it go?" Sally asked impatient.

"Good." I smiled.

"I told you there was nothing to be afraid of." She smiled back.

__________________________ hi guys! What's up? :) hope u like the story so far... Every1 do me a BIG favour.... Go out and read 6 feet down by: it'sjulianne because she is an amazing writer but sadly lost a bunch of readers when she didn't update for a while.... And also Rue's Story by: Georgiad because she's an amazing writer too and hasn't updated for a while and I want her to get a lot of readers... Really bad löl. Comment vote and tell me if there was something in the plot that I did wrong löl!!!!! Love u guys.

By: Shannon :)

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