Gun shot

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Sorry if the book has been boring so far but I promise it's about to pick up :)!! And thanks to every1 who voted and commented!!! U guys rock (even if u didn't vote your still reading this) :) while I won't bug u any more, read on :D!!!!


2 weeks passed and things got way better. I actually started to enjoy school, because of Gavin. We started going out about a week ago. My teachers seem to be nicer now. And at home, mom is finally starting to smile again. Something I haven't seen in years.

"Good morning sweetie." Said mom walking into my room.

"Hey mom!" I say cheerfully sitting up.

"How was your sleep?" She asks.

"Good." I say getting up from my bed.

"Well that's good, do you want pancakes from breakfast this morning?" She asks walking out of my room, but still having her head popped in.

"Sure." I say grabbing a sweater and jeans from my closet. Mom shuts the door behind her and I get dressed and do my hair. Kinda I don't really think it counts when you just brush it out. I head out to the kitchen. I grab a plate off the table and walk over to where mom was, with the pancakes.

"Which pancake would you like?" Mom asks waving the fork over the pancakes.

"Umm, that one." I say pointing to the far sized one in the middle of the plate.

"That's what I thought." She says with a laugh as she picks the pancake up and puts it on my plate. I walk to the table and sit down, mom joins me a couple minutes later. We talk for a while tell I hear moms stupid clock ding 8 times.

"Kill joy." I mutter under my breath.

"Wow, it already 8 you better hurry along Tala." Mom says. I get up and take my plate to the sink. I dunk it under the water and walk over to the entrance. Grab my coat throw it on and grab my backpack slouching it over one shoulder.

"Bye sweetie have a good day!" She whispers in my ear as she hugs me. I can tell something is the matter but I just ignore it and walk outside.

"Bye mom." I yell shutting the door.

"Love you." She yells back, I had already shut the door but I got a weird feeling in my stomach and before my mind could do anything I was opening the door saying, "Love you too mom." I shut the door and started walking to the end of my drive way. What just happened? I ask myself. I hear a honk that wakes me from my day dream.

"Oh snap!" I yell running to the bus. It was waiting for me at the end of our never ending drive way. I get on the bus just getting a "hello" nod from the bus driver and sit down next to Gavin.

Moms Pov

Out of no where Tala came back and said, "love you." Why did she do that? Maybe she got the same feeling I did. The gut retching feeling. Why do I have that feeling? Maybe I'm coming down with something. Oh well, I think as my phone rings. I go and answer it assuming it's a client.

"Hello." I say cheerfully, not wanting to say the this is whoever from whatever thing this mornig.

"Leave." Says a voice on the other end of the phone, my heart start beating faster.

"What?" I say.

"You heard me leave, if you don't you'll regret it." Says the creepy voice.

"Umm, I have a family I can just leave!Who is this?" I ask.

"Leave her for the father!" The voice says getting angry. "Now get out of this town! LEAVE!!!"

"WHO IS THIS?!?!" I scream.

"Fine don't leave but you'll regret it." The man says, I hear evil laughter. "Yes you'll regret it." There was a long beep as the phone went dead. My heart is racing!!! I pick up my cell phone almost in tears. The phone rings and rings until,

"Hello." Gavin says.

"Gavin can I speak to Tala?!" I ask.

"Of course here she is." He says, I hear Tala ask who it is.

"Your mom Tala she sounds scared." Gavin says. Man those two are so cute together.

"Hello." Tala says panicky.

"Sweetie get home now!!!!!" I say bursting into tears.

Tala Pov

"Sweetie get home now!!!!!" Was the last thing I heard before the phone went dead. I throw Gavin's phone at him and run to the front of the bus!

"Turn the bus around!!!!" I yell. "I need to go home!"

"Get your parents to pick you up at school Tala." The bus driver snarls back.

"NO NOW!!!!" I scream. "My moms in trouble!" He looks up at me frightened.

"Ok." He says giving in. He turns the wheel and the everyone in the bus goes flying. I almost fell over. I ran back to my seat almost in tears. I sat down curled up in Gavin's arms.

"I'm sure she's fine." He says trying to comfort me.

"Why would she call me and say that if she was fine? She would not just do that to scare the heck out of me!!" I yell at him.

"I'm sorry sweetie I, I just wanted to try to comfort you." He says.

"I know, I'm sorry I'm just stressed." I say snuggling up into his coat. We arrived at my house and I ran off the bus. Everyone stayed on watching in amazement to see what would happen. Gavin came running after me. I got to the front door and pulled it opened.

"Hahaha now she will be mine and you will never take her away from me again!" My dad yelled.

"No Ben please don't, think about Tala!" My mom yells.

"I am and now she well be mine." He says a loud BANG shacks the house as I run to the living room where I heard the voices. I turn the corner to see the worst thing, my mom laying on the floor. Dead. With my dad standing over top of her holding a gun.

"AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" I screamed. My dad looked over horrified. I ran over to my mom crying my eyes out.

"Mom! Mom! Get up! Mom! Please! You can make it! Please!" I scream! Gavin comes running in the living room.

"OH MY GOD!!!!" He mutters.

"Gavin help me get her up!" I yell. He walks over slowly,

"Tala she is gon..." He starts to say resting a hand on my back.

"NO SHE'S NOT!!!!" I scream.

"Tala, is, is that you?" I hear a tired voice mutter.

"Yes mom it's me!" I say looking into her partly opened eyes.

"Tala I, I love you. You are strong. Follow your dreams, I will she you again. I love you!!" She says.

"I love you too." I say bursting into tears again. I sat there hugging her for a couple seconds when I hear a second shot fired. It takes all my might to leave my mom but it don't want anyone elts hurt. I run to it and see Gavin laying on the floor in front of the door.

"Gavin what happened?" I ask running over to him.

"Your dad. I wouldn't let him go out the door so he shot me." He says.

"No. You'll be ok. Where'd he shot you?" I ask starting to cry again.

"In the shoulder, I tripped so it didn't hit me anywhere elts. I'm sorry I let him go." He says looking down.

"Gavin I'd rather have you than have him." I say giving him a hug. "Now we need to get you to the hospital." I just get up to grab the phone to call 911 when I hear the cop cars and the ambulance. I run out of the house, motioning the people in my direction. They come running. They load mom and Gavin onto stretchers and take them away.

__________________________ did I tell u this one would be better or what? Löl :) vote and comment!!!

By: Shannon

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